Features unlocked!

So, we've been hard at work here at Acheev HQ and a collection of new features are now online, ticking off some items from the Roadmap.

Granular progress

Acheev now uses guide data to better understand the types of achievements in games and presents more granular progress detail as you play - this can be used for achievements in different parts of the game, and to show progress in the base game vs DLC, depending on the game and how the guide is set up:


Green & blue completion

100% completion is easy right? Just get all the achievements!

But not always - games change after release; some achievements may become Unobtainable for a whole bunch of reasons; servers are shut down, game modes change, and some (badly designed!) achievements are only unlockable for a limited time.

Conversely, new DLC may add achievements to games - destroying a hard-won 100%!

So Blue completions to the rescue! Green completions remain the same; 100% of all achievements.

However, unlocking all obtainable achievements in the base game now results in a Blue 100% completion with the same tick, the same 100% completion showcase inclusion and the same warm fuzzy feelings - just a slightly different color.

Note; this feature relies on guide data to know whether achievements are obtainable, and which belong to DLC. If there's a game you want updating and we don't have a guide yet please let us know - or dive in and update the guide yourself!


  • Green completion = 100% all achievements
  • Blue completion = 100% obtainable achievements in the base game
  • Both of the above count as 100% and get showcased here
  • Yay!

Read more in the docs...

Public 100% showcase

Everybody gets one, and yours is linked to in the sidebar and profile page when you're signed in. It's a public page showcasing all the games you've made it to 100% completion on - and you can share it with your friends!


Future updates will add more stats and data to these pages.