
Our ambition for Acheev is lofty. Here are some of the things we're planning to add in the near future:

Please also see the Changelog for recently deployed fixes and improvements.

  • Better realtime activity a feed of your achievement activity, and that of others, to celebrate wins and more easily see achievement progress and unlock activity

  • Appier UI A new layout for the game guides, when signed in, that is more dynamic/interactive - vs the 'long list' form currently in place. With pinning for collectibles lists. This should make it easier to stay focuseed - especially when using a phone or tablet as a companion device whilst gaming.

  • Requests. A mechanism for users to request guides for games and/or specific achievements. We're conscious more guides are needed so this should help us direct efforts toward guides that people want most.

  • Suggestions. A Suggestions/corrections mechanic so that any user (not just Editors) can propose updates or corrections to guide content. It's important to us that guides stay current, even when games change, so easy ways to keep updated are key. Plus, we all make mistakes from time to time :)

  • More gaming networks. Support for PSN, Epic and other gaming networks.

  • Achievement progress. Especially for Grind and All-the-thinngs (collectible) achievements, where the network (Steam, Xbox, etc) report your progress - e.g. 54/100 enemies kills, we'll display that progress in the UI. For All-the-things/collectibles with a checklist, this also will cross-check how many items you've ticked off vs how many the game thinks you've done - for more accurate tracking of what you've managed to do.

Got an idea for how to make Acheev more awesome? Great, please tell us about it!


  • Public profile page & achievement showcase. A public page listing various game completion stats and showing boxart for all the games you completed 100%, across all connected platforms - when signed in, hit "My showcase" in the menu

  • "100%-of-obtainable" support. Many games change after launch and some achievements become unavailable. This is annoying. So a mode where Unobtainable achievements can be ignored and excluded from 100% (and a 100% showcase) helps keep the warm and fuzzy feelings for games like this. /stars hard at Sea of Thieves. - Implemented the concept of Green/Blue completions for 100% and 100%-obtainable-in-the-base-game respectively.