Spotlight: Smart links

In these Spotlight articles we'll take a brief look at some of the features we think makes Acheev stand out as a really useful tool in achievement hunting.

Today its "Smart links". Most achievement guides will want to have hyperlinks from one achievement to another, or from overall roadmap/background information to specific achievements relevant to that information - e.g. describing missables, a quest chain, a particular character or whatever it is.

We've taken that to the next level - so that when you're signed in and viewing a guide for a game you own, those links are decorated according to whether you've unlocked the achievement or not. The screenshot below shows an example.

This makes it super easy to keep track of where you're at, and what you don't need to be worrying about for 100%, because you've already done it!

Here, take a look, you can easily see here that of the achievements listed I've only got one more to get:


...this is from our Sea of Thieves achievement guide by the way.