Cure 1 Patient
Cure 1 Patient
Have a Level 10 Hospital
Have a Level 10 Hospital
Cure 1000 Patients
Cure 1000 Patients
Conduct 25 Machine Upgrades
Conduct 25 Machine Upgrades
Shoot 1 Monobeast
Shoot 1 Monobeast
Shoot one monobeast! These are small creatures that run around your hospital - mostly in dirtier hospitals. Sometimes they run loose on the floor, other times you may need to move furniture (e.g. drinks/snack machines) to disturb them. Click on them to shoot them!
Note they move quite quick, but you have to be on at least Normal time speed for them to be shootable. On Slow time, the cursor won't change to a crosshair and they won't be shootable.
They look like a sticking plaster or a boring sausage. Quite weird really...
Capture 100 Ghosts
Capture 100 Ghosts
(Base game) Earn 15 Gold Stars
(Base game) Earn 15 Gold Stars
Have a Level 20 Hospital
Have a Level 20 Hospital
Injure someone with an exploding machine
Injure someone with an exploding machine
Earn 10,000 Kudosh
Earn 10,000 Kudosh
(Superbug initiative) Complete Superbug Project "Hair Removal"
(Superbug initiative) Complete Superbug Project "Hair Removal"
Reach $50,000,000 Organisation Value
Reach $50,000,000 Organisation Value
You'll probably get this naturally as part of going for 3 stars on all levels in the base game.
The profitability of each hospital matters here; i.e. get revenue up and keep costs down.
You can return to older hospitals to further improve them - especially as you'll subsequently have gained access to more advanced rooms/upgrades/etc.
Complete 50 Research Projects
Complete 50 Research Projects
Train a World-Class Researcher
Train a World-Class Researcher
Train a World-Class Psychiatrist
Train a World-Class Psychiatrist
Win every award in a single hospital
Win every award in a single hospital
Run 50 Marketing Campaigns
Run 50 Marketing Campaigns
(Base game) Earn 45 Gold Stars
(Base game) Earn 45 Gold Stars
See County-Wide - you'll get this naturally.
Train a World-Class Surgeon
Train a World-Class Surgeon
(Bigfoot DLC) Knock the socks off of Bartholomew F. Yeti
(Bigfoot DLC) Knock the socks off of Bartholomew F. Yeti
Knock the socks off of Bartholomew F. Yeti. Bartholomew F. Yeti is one of VIPs - he will visit sometime at Selbard hospital. Make sure he leaves happy...
(Base game) Earn 1 Star at each hospital in the Pointy Mountains
(Base game) Earn 1 Star at each hospital in the Pointy Mountains
(Bigfoot DLC) Complete the "Cheesier Gubbins" Research Project in Swelbard
(Bigfoot DLC) Complete the "Cheesier Gubbins" Research Project in Swelbard
Finish the "Cheesier Gubbins" research in Swelbard.
(Close Encounters DLC) Cure a patient with Frogborne
(Close Encounters DLC) Cure a patient with Frogborne
(Pebberley Island DLC) Earn 1 Star at each hospital on Pebberley Island
(Pebberley Island DLC) Earn 1 Star at each hospital on Pebberley Island
(Bigfoot DLC) Earn 54 Gold Stars
(Bigfoot DLC) Earn 54 Gold Stars
Complete a Multiplayer Challenge
Complete a Multiplayer Challenge
(Pebberley Island DLC) Get a Curing Spree on Topless Mountain
(Pebberley Island DLC) Get a Curing Spree on Topless Mountain
Cure a wave of 10 patients at a time without failing any, and continue to do so to build the streak. You should be able to get this on wave 10+ after training the staff and upgrading the machines.
(Off the grid DLC) Cure a patient in the Herb Garden
(Off the grid DLC) Cure a patient in the Herb Garden
This is a treatment room that gets unlocked in the Old Newpoint level in the Off The Grid DLC. It needs a nurse to operate it.
(Off the grid DLC) Receieve the highest possible Eco Rating
(Off the grid DLC) Receieve the highest possible Eco Rating
Complete R.E.M.I. X versions of Hogsport, Lower Bullocks & Flottering
Complete R.E.M.I. X versions of Hogsport, Lower Bullocks & Flottering
(Pebberley Island DLC) Earn 63 Gold Stars
(Pebberley Island DLC) Earn 63 Gold Stars
(Close Encounters DLC) Expose 50 Alien Infiltrators
(Close Encounters DLC) Expose 50 Alien Infiltrators
These appear in Goldpan and Chasm 24. They are aliens disguised as patients. They make electrical sounds, which you can use to spot them. Spot them and send them home... ...50 times.
(Close Encounters DLC) Earn 1 Star at each hospital in Close Encounters
(Close Encounters DLC) Earn 1 Star at each hospital in Close Encounters
(Off the grid DLC) Earn 1 star at each hospital in Off The Grid
(Off the grid DLC) Earn 1 star at each hospital in Off The Grid
(Close Encounters DLC) Earn 72 Gold Stars
(Close Encounters DLC) Earn 72 Gold Stars
Complete R.E.M.I. X versions of Mitton University, Tumble & Flemington
Complete R.E.M.I. X versions of Mitton University, Tumble & Flemington
Earn 30 Gold Stars
Earn 30 Gold Stars
(Superbug initiative) Complete 50 Research Nodes
(Superbug initiative) Complete 50 Research Nodes
(Bigfoot DLC) Have a Level 5 De-lux Clinic at the Underlook Hotel
(Bigfoot DLC) Have a Level 5 De-lux Clinic at the Underlook Hotel
(Off the grid DLC) Earn 81 Gold Stars
(Off the grid DLC) Earn 81 Gold Stars
Yup, you're going to be at this a looooonnngggg time...
(Close Encounters DLC) Activate every Robo-Janitor prototype in Chasm 24
(Close Encounters DLC) Activate every Robo-Janitor prototype in Chasm 24
You get access to robo janitors in Chasm 24. You can have up to 5 in a single hospital. You get them for free by buying plots, but you don't get to choose which type you'll receive on any given plot. If you complete Chasm 24 with 3 stars then you gain the ability to buy robo janitors and can then choose whatever you want.
This achievement may not unlock without quitting/reloading the game after having completed the objectives.
Shoot 10 Monobeasts in a row without missing
Shoot 10 Monobeasts in a row without missing
(Pebberley Island DLC) Unlock every plot in Overgrowth
(Pebberley Island DLC) Unlock every plot in Overgrowth
In this map you gain plots not by buying them but instead by completing objectives. There are 32 total to unlock - and there'll be a lot of patients to get to that point; you'll need at least 10 GP offices, 6 receptions and at least 2 of all the other diagnosis rooms.
(Off the grid DLC) Maximise your Green Energy capacity in Windsock
(Off the grid DLC) Maximise your Green Energy capacity in Windsock
(Pebberley Island DLC) Complete Wave 42 on Topless Mountain
(Pebberley Island DLC) Complete Wave 42 on Topless Mountain