We Happy Few
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



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Guide in progress
25% complete
18 Story, 8 Grind, 14 Objective, 4 All-the-things, 26 Unknown,
18 Unmissable, 10 Missable, 11 Optional, 2 Soft-missable, 29 Unknown,
69 Not glitched, 1 Previously-glitched,
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
70 achievements

(Act 1: Arthur) Completed Arthur's intro

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Completed "Band of Brothers" encounter

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Crossed into the Village for the first time

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Retrieved the credentials from the club

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 1: Arthur) Took the Joy at the very beginning of the game

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

There's a choice right at the beginning - take the Joy. As its so close to the beginning you can do this again in 5 mins if you took the other path the first time through.

Delivered the cod liver oil

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 1: Arthur) Read all newspaper articles as Arthur, and redacted only the uncomfortable ones

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Right at the beginning of the game, fix the power cell then approve the first article, censor the second and approve the third.  If you miss it just start a new game to get it. 

(Act 1: Arthur) Finished Arthur's playthrough

Story Ummissable No glitches

Arthur's story is the first act - complete it to get the achievement.

(Act 2: Sally) Completed Sally intro

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 1: Arthur) Unlocked all of Arthur's shelters

Unknown kind Missable Previously glitched

Note the map layout is randomised - so locations will be different on each playthrough or for each player.  There are, however always 9 shelters total.   NB this has been glitchy in previous versions of the game.


(Act 1: Arthur) You successfully took Phlash as Arthur

Objective Optional No glitches

Can be found in any vending machine - just buy one and take it.

Gained £1000 from looting/bartering across playthroughs

Grind Optional No glitches

Set foot on every island

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Killed 100 NPCs across all playthroughs

Grind Optional No glitches
They must show "deceased", not just "unconscious"

(Act 2: Sally) Completed the Crones encounter

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 2: Sally) Completed speaking with Verloc at the Joy Factory

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 2: Sally) Finished Sally's playthrough

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Contracted and cured the plague

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 3: Ollie) Completed Ollie's intro

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Talked to Johnny Bolton from the Secret Radio Room

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 1: Arthur) Killed a guy named Ryan Andrews

Objective Missable No glitches

Completed "No Place Like Home" encounter

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 1: Arthur) Finished Mystery House without being spotted once

Objective Missable No glitches

Finished all of the butcher's apprentice quests

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 3: Ollie) Completed "The Jack-o-Bean Club" encounter.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 3: Ollie) Spread the Message

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Act 3: Ollie) Finished Ollie's playthrough

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Correctly sabotaged Clive Birtwhistle's redactor work

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 3: Ollie) Injected yourself with glucose 10 times

Objective Optional No glitches

In Thomasina House - Collected all fake cats

Do-all-the-things Missable No glitches

Died while overdosing on Joy

Objective Missable No glitches
Find a Joy phone box and take 2-4 pills until you overfill your joy meter... ...then find somewhere for suicide like walking off a cliff to kill yourself.

(Act 2: Sally) Caught 40 butterflies with Sally's butterfly net

Objective Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Completed Act 1

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Found all notes related to Prudence

Do-all-the-things Missable No glitches

There are 6 notes, across the 3 acts.

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Completed Act 2

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Lifetime Achievement Award

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Completed the DLC

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Completed Act 3

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Shut Off Joy Supply to Waterworks

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Restored Order at Haworth Labs

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Did Your Duty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Blew Minds of 15 People After a Charged Facemelt

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Survived 50 days

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Found Loot in Canal

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Serenaded 30 people

Grind Optional No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Killed 8 Robots in the Intro

Objective Optional No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Saved all the Villagers

Objective Missable No glitches

At the beginning of act 2 - shoot all the robots ASAP so all 6 villages can escape.

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Found Loot in Alleyway

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 1: Arthur) Listened to all the phone calls in the phoneboxes

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches

This does not mean find all the phone boxes - just listen to all the calls.  There are 12 unique calls in total.

You can do this by resting for 24 hours and revisiting the same phone box -> rinse and repeat until you get them all.

The phoneboxes are only in the garden districts; Barrow Holm, Lud’s Holm and Eel Pie Holm

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Hit 3 NPCs with the Same Gold Record

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Knocked Down 40 NPCs With Whip Shove Combo

Grind Missability unknown No glitches

Collected all Uncle Jack Shows

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Found all collectibles

Do-all-the-things Missable No glitches

Completed the entire game without directly murdering anyone

Objective Missable No glitches
This is the whole game (all acts)

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Pushed 7 Robots Into the Smelter

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(Act 2: Sally) Knocked out 50 NPCs with the Atomizer

Grind Optional No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Pole Danced Naked

Objective Missability unknown No glitches

Used 25 lightning rods, playing as Ollie

Objective Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Destroyed 50 Explosive Barrels

Grind Optional No glitches

When you get the ray gun there will be a tutorial about doing this.  then keep shooting them throughout all three acts...

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Survived Day 1

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Survived Day 2

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Picked Up All Lore Items

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Picked Up All Lore Items

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Vibed All Nick Statues

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC1: They Came From Below) Got 100 Headshots

Grind Optional No glitches

get headshots on robots using the ray gun.  Cumulative across all 3 acts of the DLC.

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Zapped 20 Different TVs with Dart Gun

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Collected All Lore Notes

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Finished DLC With No Upgrades

Objective Missable No glitches

(DLC3: We All Fall Down) Unlocked All Upgrades

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

(DLC2: Lightbearer) Parried 30 attacks with the Vibe

Grind Optional No glitches