Tech stack

There seems to be a large overlap between gamers, and techies/developers/engineers. Can't think why ;)

So, for those who are interested, this is what Acheev is built on:

The database is PostgreSQL.

The app is written in Go, using the Chi router and various homegrown framework-like components around it.

Go's HTML templates ( drive the UI; i.e. HTML markup is generated on the server and served to the browser both as whole pages and as fragments/components for the UI.

HTMX is used for UI interactivity, with extensive use of swaps and OOB swaps for dynamic content.

The UI is styled with DaisyUI which is TailwindCSS based, and a simple esbuild setup builds Typescript/Javascript for charts (Apache Echarts) and various custom web components and ancillary scripting.

It's self-hosted on dedicated hardware.

At some point NATS will be used as a message broker and object store, but frankly its just not needed yet.