Games are fun. Achievement hunting is fun too, or at least it can be.
Our view is that hunting achievements in games is an enjoyable endeavour that helps us make sure we're getting the most out of a game; experiencing close to everything it has to offer and fully "completing" it, more than just getting to the end of the story would allow.
Guides can be useful in this - partly because some parts aren't so fun (finding the 999th hidden collectible?), but really because life's too short to figure everything out from scratch. There's no harm in a helping hand either to find where something is - or even just to work out what's being asked of you!
BUT, the joy of a game is in the playing. In learning the mechanics, in exploring, and in discovery of the places, characters and events that unfold.
So Acheev is not a full walkthrough site. We avoid spoilers wherever possible. We use the gaming networks (Steam, Xbox, etc) APIs to dynamically update based on your progress, and we provide useful tools to help you - not get in the way.
There's not hundreds of pages of SEO waffle to wade through to find the info you need. There's not 3,000 pages of walkthrough for totally obvious quests.
Our goal is to make the best achievement hunting companion app - one that provides everything you need to make achievement hunting fun - with none of the crap.