Listed below are the key changes in each update release, the newest release is listed first:
v0.21.0 - 2025-02-11
- Added screenshot-paste tool for guide editors; screenshots can now be pasted directly into achievement Resource editing, with an optional caption
- Achievement images are now click-to-zoom - this is especially nice for Xbox games that often have full 1080p images/artwork as the achievement image
- Made some minor layout tweaks, e.g. for search/filter options in the Achievement Guides page on mobile
- Fixed a crash issue in the docs, which affected the "Contributing" page
v0.20.0 - 2025-02-04
- Improved the homepage "Recently played" widget to show basic stats, and make it the first item on the page as its likely to be the most useful
v0.19.0 - 2025-01-30
- Improved the Showcase/profile page for new users; it now tells you if your profile is syncing and automatically updates to include detected 100% games
- Added "Story mode" setting to game guides; Story / Sandbox / Skirmish / Casual
- Added "is story completion" flag to achievements, to drive "is story complete?" mechanic for My Games and the public showcase
- Reduced the size of the game bvoxart images on player 100% completion profile pages, for better use of space
v0.18.0 - 2025-01-20
- Improved the graphic charts in game guides; gone are the messy donuts - instead clean colorized bars for quicker visual reference on missables/glitches/etc
- Fixed cases where achievement descriptions could be blank for hidden achievements even when we do already know the description (e.g. from Xbox sync)
- Fixed incorrect rarity percentage handling - this now correctly aggregates across all known Editions/platforms for each achievement
v0.17.0 - 2025-01-14
- Initial support for editing+display of game-level (as opposed to per-achievement) linked resources/videos/maps/etc
- Fixed "Mutually exclusive" type achievements not being color-highlighted as dangerous; they are now orange
v0.16.0 - 2025-01-14
- Acheev is now an installable web app (but it won't bug you about it all the time)
- Updated Roadmap and Known issues content pages
- Fixed stay-signed-in not working correctly - login sessions are now maintained until explicitly logging out
- Fixed the signin methods (Xbox, Steam, etc) appearing in a random order that varied on each pageview
v0.15.0 - 2025-01-13
- Changed search, and public game listings, to hide older games (pre 2020) that have no achievement guide - part of a wider plan for more focused content
v0.14.1 - 2025-01-08
- Added extra handling for bad/invalid game URLs (e.g. from Reddit mobile app); so now they redirect to the correct game URL where possible
- Added SmartLinks info to the "How it works" docs page
- In Homepage "WIP Guides" card, added content indicating how progressed each guide is; e.g. "Nearly done"
- Improved the "sign in for cool stuff" CTA on game pages; more useful text and nicer formatting
- Further improvements to Youtube embeds - autoplay on dialog open, higher resolution thumbnails
- Fixed broken link through to Youtube channel for embedded Youtube videos
v0.14.0 - 2024-12-16
- Improved Youtube embeds in achievement guides to show a thumbnail image, but video playback at a larger size in a modal/overlay - faster page load times and viewing
- Fixed various cases of game ownership and achievement progress not syncing correctly - this should auto-fix for everyone the next time they log in
- Fixed various Editor issues with editing Resources (Youtube videos, links to external maps/guides/etc)
v0.13.0 - 2024-12-13
- Added more docs across the site to help better explain what Acheev does
- Content/text tweaks across the app to improve clarity/readability, especially for users who haven't signed in yet
- Added a contact form, for people wanting to reach out but who don't like Discord
- Fixed some cases where a game's boxart would just be generic, by automatically cycling through SKUs/Editions for the game until a working boxart is found
- Fixed some cases of broken game boxart - now the generic/placeholder image will correctly be used instead
v0.12.0 - 2024-12-11
- Everybody gets a public profile + 100% showcase page now, yay
- Implemented Green/Blue completions - where a Blue completion is 100% of obtainable achievements in the base game (excl. DLC)
- Added display of contributors to the game guide pages, linking to their public profile/showcase
v0.11.0 - 2024-12-10
- Chapter/DLC support is back; achievements can be assigned (by Editors) to chapters/DLC/sections, and completion progress is reported individually for each
- For Editors, the Bulk Edit Achievements page now shows achievement icons, for easier recognition of which one is which
- Reworked homepage for some more relevant content - this is one of what will be many iterations
v0.10.2 - 2024-12-09
- Fixed a regression causing errors on the Profile page
- Fixed Favorites not appearing in the mobile/popout sidebar nav (only in desktop view) - now they correctly appear in both
v0.10.1 - 2024-12-09
- Removed random/redundant word "games" from the top-right of the Achievement Guides game list page
- Fixed non-working "Hide already unlocked" option in game pages - this now correctly hides achievements you've already unlocked, for a cleaner view
v0.10.0 - 2024-12-09
- Added more clarification to Definitions and Contributing docs around achievement tags like Missable
- Added UI for editors to edit/manage checklists in achievements
- Added debug functions for merging/de-duping achievements across SKUs (e.g. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice where they are named differently on Steam)
- Added a nicer display of the different Editions (SKUs) when a game has multiple different Editiions available
- Editors can now edit game name's - e.g. to remove redundant suffixes like "GOTY" or "PC Edition"; game names should just be the clean name of the game only
- Fixed the first game you mark as Favorite not showing up in the sidebar menu without an F5 refresh - this works now
v0.9.0 - 2024-12-03
- Added content pages for Roadmap, Known issues, and Tech stack
- Fixed achievement completion progress not visually updating on a sync in-page without an F5-refresh, this works properly now
- Fixed the green "100% complete" banner being shown for owned games that don't actually have any achievements (accessible through Recently-played)
v0.8.0 - 2024-12-02
- Improved editor 'Edit' button for each achievement with color coding to signify whether that achievement's guide info is complete or not (color tint)
v0.7.0 - 2024-12-02
- Reworked and added to docs content; added Contribution guidelines, How it works material and updated achievement tags definitions
v0.6.0 - 2024-12-02
- Truncate the game boxart images in "New games listed" items on the homepage, so that huge syncs of 100s of new games don't crowd out the homepage
- Added icons to the homepage activity feed titles
- When syncing achievement progress after syncing your Steam/Xbox/etc account, Acheev now enqueues updates most-recently-played-first; this is more useful...
- Fixed the generic boxart image having different aspect ratio/shape to regular boxart images
- Fixed a bug that would lowercase all game names. Sigh.
v0.5.0 - 2024-11-29
- Editors can now turn editing options on/off - for a clearer view when using (not editing) the content
- Added a link to Discord on the main nav sidebar
- Added a separate "Achievement guides" section to list all games that have a guide (whether complete or not) - replacin the All Games A-Z, but more relevant
- Minor visual tweaks to the guide status info on the main game pages; to the pie charts, stats, etc
- Removed the A-Z games directory - nobody needs 14k games without guides listed (they're still discoverable through search)
- Fixed the All Games page not having any title
v0.4.0 - 2024-11-28
- Story-related Unmissable achievements will now always have guide text saying they'll unlock automatically - no need for guide authors to manually add this
- Added "Recently Played" widget to the homepage, when signed in
- Added a profile syncing delay on login, max 5 seconds, to allow your identity/ownerships/lastplayed data to sync; reduces incidence of seeing outdated info
- The "Your progress" widget on games you own now has more detail; like how many missables remain or if all missables are unlocked already
- Improved homepage activity feed relevance, and fixed various bugs (including sort order when further updates/changes are made to the same item)
- Fixed linked accounts not automatically triggering an update sync on login - this now happens
v0.3.1 - 2024-11-27
- Fixed cases where achievement lists could be displayed in a weird/wrong order - is now always descending rarity order (until it becomes customisable)
- Fixed various mobile device layout issues
v0.3.0 - 2024-11-26
- (Re)implemented guide text cross-linking to achievements, with dynamic formatting (e.g. with a strike-through if already unlocked)
- Further iteration on the page header for each game's page - layout of text, and stats display
- Various improvements to guide-editing UIs
- Fixed achievement metadata badges not being correctly shown for some combinations (e.g. 'Do all', 'Soft-missable')
- Fixed cases where some text against achievements (e.g. "Locked") would still display to anonymous users, where ownership/locked-status cannot be known
v0.2.0 - 2024-11-25
- reworked homepage activity feed to include different news/article types for better relevance
- Added news feeds, so we can keep you updated :)
- Improved quality of resized/optimised game and achievement images
- Fixed game boxart having different shapes for different platforms; resize to the same dimensions for now
- Fixed game boxart not being resized/optimised properly, now they should load much faster!
v0.1.5 - 2024-11-23
- Fixed an error case when syncing a players achievements for a game, and there is progress against new achievements in the game that Acheev didn't know about
v0.1.4 - 2024-11-22
- Added support for embeddable Resources inline in guides; e.g. Youtube videos illustrating how to unlock achievements
- Serve game/achievement images from a separate subdomain to improve site performance/responsiveness
- Fixed resized achievement images still being large downloads - acheev is faster now
- Removed multiplayer singleplayer/multiplayer/anywhere filter dropdown from the game page for games that don't have multiplayer
v0.1.3 - 2024-11-21
- In achievement lists, hide the multiplayer/singleplayer flag for games that have no multiplayer - to simplify the UI
- Improved game name keyword search, to cope better with games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R
- Improved throughput/performance of background task processing for guide status updates, achievement syncing, etc
- Fixed aspect ratio of achievement images for Xbox (16:9, as opposed to Steam's images at 1:1/square)
v0.1.2 - 2024-11-20
- Moved docs pages to /docs/ to accommodate more documentation/guidance in future updates
v0.1.1 - 2024-11-20
- Improved SEO sitemap to deprioritize indexing of games without any guide yet
- Fixed Favorites star on the game pages not showing up when signed out; now it prompts to sign in to add games to Favorites
v0.1.0 - 2024-11-20
- Added changelog/release notes - each functional update to the app's software/features will now be noted here