Last Inua
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker




Has Singleplayer?
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Guide in progress
19% complete
2 Story, 1 All-the-things, 14 Unknown,
2 Unmissable, 15 Unknown,
4 Single-player, 13 Unknown,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
17 achievements

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches

Unlocks when you reach the end of the first level

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches

Seemed to get this as soon as starting the game

Find and collect a spirit rune

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown Single-player No glitches

Can get in the 2nd level, just keep using the Dad and stick to the top path before going underground.

Teleport through at least 7 unique teleport points in a row

Unknown kind Missability unknown Single-player No glitches

Can get in 3rd level, when you are Hiko and going through the teleporting lights, when you get to the 3rd set of these just keep spamming the action button and you'll have about 8 in a row.

Warm yourself at a fire after nearly freezing

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

In about the 5th level control the Dad through the level until Hiko calls out to you, switch to Hiko who has ghosts closing in on him back at the fire. Switch back to the Dad, head back to the fire. His view should be a bit smaller and frosted over, when he gets back to the campfire the achievement unlocked.

Pretty much though on this level - just stand out in the cold for a while until the screen frosts over, then go back and start right next to one of the fires.

Defeat an enemy

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Defeat 7 unique enemies in a single playthrough

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Find and collect 50% of all spirit runes

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Complete any 5 scenes without dying

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Finish the game in under 2 hours

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Find and collect all spirit runes

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Complete any 10 scenes without dying

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Finish the game without dying more than 3 times

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches