Red Dead Redemption 2
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker


Multiplayer will not be released until november - until then all the achievements not marked as 'Online' are assumed to be achievable in single-player only.


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Guide in progress
62% complete
10 Story, 21 Grind, 16 Objective, 4 All-the-things,
11 Unmissable, 6 Missable, 34 Optional,
34 Single-player, 17 Multi-player,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
51 achievements

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will be the first achievement you get.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Reach max bonding level with a horse.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Easy enough to get; stay on the same horse, feed it, and pat it while riding with L3 (press in on left stick). Bonding level will increase to level 4 (the max) soon enough. There's time to do this 3 times over on a good playthrough of the game.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Donate $250 to the gang tithing box.

Objective Missable Single-player No glitches
Do this before completing chapter 4 - as the tithing box is not available after chapter 4.

Red Dead Online: Complete the Intro.

Objective Ummissable Multi-player No glitches
It takes about 45m to get started in online, you have to go through this to get to free roam.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Rob or loot $250.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Loot every dead body, this should unlock before you complete the story.

Upgrade each available component for a single sidearm or longarm weapon.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
Easy to do from near the beginning of the game in any gunsmith. Just upgrade everything on a pistol or revolver.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Story Optional Single-player No glitches

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Catch a fish weighing at least 16 lbs (7.3 kg).

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
Easiest during Ch4 after you unlock Special lures.

Story Optional Single-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Complete a Free Roam mission as part of a Posse with at least 2 members.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Take part in a Series.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Reach Rank 10.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Reach maximum or minimum Honor level.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
You can't really get this until during/after chapter 5 - because honor is capped until then. Stay positive Honor, so you can be eligible for all the missions needed for Lending a HandLending a Hand

Recover the stash from 4 homesteads.

Grind Ummissable Single-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Sell 20 items to the Butcher.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Spend $5000 across all shops.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

Complete a Companion Activity in each camp.

Objective Missable Single-player No glitches
You must do a companion mission in chapters 2, 3 and 4. They appear as small white mission icons as you progress through each chapter and are to go do things like fishing/robberies/etc with the minor characters.

Craft 30 unique items in Story Mode.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
You should be able to do this in Ch3/Ch4 - just craft one of everything you can. Obviously make sure to buy & pick up (and read, from your satchel) any/all recipes you find.

Red Dead Online: Achieve 5 gold belt buckles from awards.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Accept 10 Free Roam missions from characters around the world.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Play all mini games.

Do-all-the-things Ummissable Single-player No glitches
You only need to start a game of each. You don't need to win.

Red Dead Online: Successfully counter a rival Posse's Free Roam mission.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Pick 25 Herbs.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
Easy to do from the intro onwards in the obvious way... ...just use Eagle Eye to spot pickable things and pick them...

Complete 10 Stranger mission strands.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
There are way more than 10 in the game. You must complete the full quest line for each - not just the first mission. You can still do any/all of these after completing the story.

Red Dead Online: Craft 20 items (excluding ammo).

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Complete all optional Honor story missions.

Grind Missable Single-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Form a Persistent Posse.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

Deliver 5 camp companion item requests.

Objective Missable Single-player No glitches
You must do this before the end of chapter 4.

Discover the fate of Marko Dragic.

Objective Missable Single-player No glitches
This character gives a set of stranger missions in Ch4, from Saint Denis. They'll be in/around a small building right at the north end of the map. Once the mission chain is complete, return to his building after 24 hours or so to learn the fate, get the achievement, and also a reward item.

Complete one of the Collectable strands.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Play 5 Free Roam Events.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Achieve MVP 3 times (in a round with at least 4 players).

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Reach Rank 50.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Red Dead Online: Purchase 5 camp improvements.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Do-all-the-things Optional Single-player No glitches
This can only be done *after* completing the story, although you can visit some of the graves during the story from Ch4 onwards. See for locations.

Red Dead Online: Craft 25 pieces of ammunition.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Survive 3 days holding a bounty of $250 in all states.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
Best to leave this until after Extreme PersonalityExtreme Personality and Lending a HandLending a Hand - you'll need to rack up a large bounty in each state, and then camp out in the wild and sleep a lot to have the time pass.

Red Dead Online: Concurrently own 5 horses.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

Attain 100% completion.

Grind Missable Single-player No glitches

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
This can only be done after completing the story.

Skin every species of animal in Story Mode.

Do-all-the-things Optional Single-player No glitches
There are 178 species. That is a lot. Keep track in the pause menu under Progress -> Compendium -> Animals

Study every animal across all states in Story Mode.

Do-all-the-things Optional Single-player No glitches
See also Skin DeepSkin Deep. Use the binoculars. Check in the compendium for 100% progress against each animal.

Survive 18 bear attacks and kill the bear each time in Story Mode.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
You have to let the bear attach/maul you first, then fight it off and kill it. A pump action shotgun is pretty handy here, assuming you don't care about pelt quality.

Earn 70 Gold Medals in Story missions.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
This is definitely easiest to do when you first attempt each mission - if you replay them you don't have your normal collection of tonics/weapons/etc. Ofc the game doesn't reveal the requirements for Gold until after you've completed at least once - but 3rd party mission guides will help with that.