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Guide in progress
23% complete
35 Grind, 23 Objective,
1 Missable, 57 Optional,
10 Multi-player, 2 Anywhere, 46 Unknown,
No known glitches
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Collectible checklists
58 achievements

Win a match where the enemy team scored no points.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Kill a player in the air who is over 100 units above the ground.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Complete the Paladins Tutorial.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Play a match while in a party.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

Unlock 100 Cards.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Kill an enemy player while you are at or below 50 Health.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

1 Champion at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

10 Double Kills.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 10 matches while in a party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Die to an environmental hazard.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches
There's a handy place to jump/fall to the side of the payload spawn on the Brightmarsh map

Kill a player with an environmental hazard.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches
There's a handy place to jump/fall to the side of the payload spawn on the Brightmarsh map... ....but it might be hard to get an enemy there...

Get a killing blow after the round has ended.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Land 5 headshots in a row without missing.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Probably easiest with an SMG/LMG-wielding hero like Vivian - then when an enemy charges you at close range...easy!

2 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Deal more than 100,000 damage during a match.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches
Relatively easy if you play well as a Damage class - obviously just stay alive and shoot lots, at the enemy!

Kill an enemy champion after they had already killed you.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 20 matches while in a party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Kill more than 20 enemy champions in a single match.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

3 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Build your own custom loadout

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Survive more than 50 battles with less than 10% health.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

50 Double Kills.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Reach a 20 kill streak in a match

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 5 hours with a player from your friends list in your party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

4 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Deal damage to every enemy champion in a match before any of them damage you.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

5 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 50 matches while in a party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Spend over 100,000 Credits in the item store over all your matches

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

6 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Unlock Ranked

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches
Ranked is unlocked when you reach player rank 15.

Have a Paladins account over 1 year old

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 10 hours with a player from your friends list in your party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

7 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

100 Double Kills

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

8 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Reach level 30 during the Paladins Beta.

Objective Missable Single or multi-player No glitches

9 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

10 Champions at Mastery 5.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 100 matches while in a party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Earn over 1,000,000 Gold over your play history

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Kill an enemy player from over 300 units away.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

200 Double Kills.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Play over 300 matches

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 25 hours with a player from your friends list in your party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Kill an enemy player who is on a 15 killstreak or higher.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Shield over 100,000 damage in a match

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

400 Double Kills.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 100 hours with a player from your friends list in your party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Be the only player alive in a match.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches
Very very hard - maybe impossible - since the removal of a last-man-standing mode earlier in Early Access.

Heal over 100,000 health in a match

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Play 250 hours with a player from your friends list in your party.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Have over 30 different champions at mastery level 10 or higher

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Get a daily reward 7 days in a row

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Earn over 500,000 Gold over your play history

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Have over 30 different champions at mastery level 15 or higher

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Have over 30 different champions at mastery level 20 or higher

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Reach Master in Ranked

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches