Meet Flying Hawk
Meet Flying Hawk
Escape the Catacombs
Escape the Catacombs
Escape the Basement
Escape the Basement
Set Flying Hawk Free
Set Flying Hawk Free
Create a path for Elena
Create a path for Elena
Escape the Trophy Room
Escape the Trophy Room
Escape the Garden Maze
Escape the Garden Maze
Set Darby free
Set Darby free
Open the Wine Cellar passage
Open the Wine Cellar passage
Find your Dad
Find your Dad
Solve the Knight puzzle
Solve the Knight puzzle
Beat the game
Beat the game
Find the amazing frog
Find the amazing frog
Rest at a bonfire
Rest at a bonfire
Find the Animax logo
Find the Animax logo
Find the Night Light logo
Find the Night Light logo
Find the fox
Find the fox
Set Fleur free
Set Fleur free
Find the OUYA logo
Find the OUYA logo
Find the Secret Room
Find the Secret Room