interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker




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Guide in progress
29% complete
5 Grind, 10 Objective, 5 All-the-things,
7 Missable, 5 Optional, 2 Soft-missable, 6 Unknown,
20 Anywhere,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
20 achievements

Have your first successful date with a girl.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with a girl for the first time.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Sleep with someone for the first time, to unlock Kyu.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Discard a Bag of Goldfish in the Park and then try to leave

Objective Missable Single or multi-player No glitches

Do-all-the-things Missable Single or multi-player No glitches
Unlocked after you've slept with all the default girls plus Kyu

Spend the night with the goddess of love.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Spend the night with Venus

Give Kyu ALL the pairs of panties after she asks for them.

Do-all-the-things Missable Single or multi-player No glitches
You can only do this after you sleep with Venus

While on a date, earn 2000 or more Affection in a single move.

Objective Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with a girl within 4 days.

Objective Soft-missable Single or multi-player No glitches

Successfully complete a date with at least 20 Moves remaining.

Objective Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Successfully complete 5 dates while in Alpha Mode.

Grind Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Max out both your Munie and Hunie.

Grind Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Successfully complete 10 dates while in Alpha Mode.

Grind Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with ALL the girls without giving any of them an alcoholic drink.

Do-all-the-things Missable Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with ALL the girls without failing a single date.

Do-all-the-things Missable Single or multi-player No glitches

Earn a 100% completion rate.

Grind Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with 3 girls without upgrading any of your traits.

Grind Soft-missable Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with ALL the girls within 18 days.

Objective Missable Single or multi-player No glitches

Spend the night with ALL the girls without talking with any of them.

Do-all-the-things Missable Single or multi-player No glitches