Madden NFL 16
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



This is a great game is you are a person who loves football. Not all of the rules will be 100% up to date but that happens over time. Other than that it is an amazing game and I hope you enjoy.


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Complete guide
12 Grind, 24 Objective,
1 Missable, 35 Optional,
22 Single-player, 14 Anywhere,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
36 achievements

Throw a Touchdown using the Touch Pass. (No SuperSim or Practice Mode)

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
throw a touchdown using the touch pass concept by just tapping the receiver icon once.

Get hit with a neutral zone infraction penalty. (No SuperSim or Practice Mode)

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
jump offsides wile the ball is getting snapped. and get a penalty called neutral zone infraction

Record 4 assisted tackles in one game. (No SuperSim or Practice Mode)

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
just play the game and you will get the eventually.

Create a MUT Team.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
Go though the MUT tutorial and make a team.

Earn gold from a drill inside the Skills Trainer.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
earn a gold medal in any skills trainer drill.

Explore Draft Champions mode.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
Press a on the Draft Champions mode and go through the Tutorial.

Draft a player with an OVR at least 10 points higher than the base team’s OVR in Draft Champions.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Draft a player the is in the high 80's or 90's in a draft champions round.

Build a Team style (5 players of a particular team style).

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Get 5 players of the same team style.

Win a MUT Solo Challenge.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
complete a solo challenge in the MUT mode.

Complete your first Draft Champions event.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
play and complete your first Draft Champions event.

Draft a team with an OVR greater than 82 in Draft Champions.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Draft player with 82 overall or better during a draft champions event.

Complete a MUT set.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
Complete a set in the MUT mode.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 25

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 125

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Complete a Single-Player Draft Champions event.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
play and complete a single player draft champions event.

Win a MUT auction.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
win a MUT auction by pressing buy now on any card.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 300

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Complete 5 Draft Events.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
complete 5 draft champion events.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 800

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Complete a Draft Champions event undefeated.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
win all 3 games in a draft champions event.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 1,500

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Successfully use the strip ball mechanic. (No SuperSim or Practice Mode)

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
use the strip the ball mechanic by pressing RB and strip the ball away.

Defeat the Level 25 Boss of the Skills Trainer Gauntlet.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
in skills trainer Gauntlet defeat the boss in the series of challenges. this is not easy!

Make the playoffs in Ultimate Team Seasons.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
win enough games to make the playoffs in a MUT season.

Earn at least a bronze medal in all 6 Run Concepts inside of Skills Trainer.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
earn bronze or better in every run concept.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 3,600

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Earn a first-round bye in Ultimate Team Seasons.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Play MUT seasons and win enough games to were you get a first round bye.

Comeback and win when trailing by 17+ points at halftime. (No SuperSim or Co-Op)

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
be down by 17 points or more at halftime and comeback and win in the 2nd half.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 6,500

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 9,500

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Change 1 or more penalty sliders in the settings menu.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
go to the penalty settings and change any penalty slider.

Make it to a MUT Seasons Super Bowl.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Win enough games in the MUT seasons mode to make it the Super Bowl.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 15,450

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 20,000

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
Create a Coach and win every game including the super bowl. It will increase your legacy score quickly over several seasons if your goal is to get to 20,000.

Earn at least one bronze medal in all drills inside of Skills Trainer.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
play every skills trainer drill and earn a Bronze medal or better.

Make a user-pick with J.J. Watt. (No SuperSim or Practice Mode)

Objective Missable Single-player No glitches
make JJ Watt a safety and play games as him you will eventually get a user pic with him. (you must be controlling him when getting the pic).