Agents of Mayhem
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



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40% complete
9 Story, 9 Grind, 30 Objective, 1 All-the-things,
9 Unmissable, 1 Missable, 39 Optional,
48 Not glitched, 1 Previously-glitched,
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
49 achievements

Equip your first gadget onto any agent.

Objective Optional No glitches

Equip an Upgrade Core to any agent.

Objective Optional No glitches

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Destroy a Drop Pod Launcher Emplacement.

Objective Optional No glitches

Story Ummissable No glitches
Take over an outpost - this is unmissable during Operation Raging Arrow

Use Gremlin Tech for the first time.

Objective Optional No glitches

Call in an agent vehicle for the first time.

Objective Optional No glitches

Find and open a large loot chest.

Objective Optional No glitches

Objective Optional No glitches
"Get 15 "All Perfect" hacks." You should get this naturally as you play through the story, just be precise with the hacking.

Jump agent vehicle 50 meters in one jump.

Objective Optional No glitches

Swap out an agent's weapon with a new look.

Objective Optional No glitches

Take over each type of emplacement location.

Objective Optional No glitches
You need to take over an outpost - after that the Relic Trading Co will appear, as will a Gremlin meetup, get them both too and the achievement will unlock.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Run over Legion 10 times.

Grind Optional No glitches

Deploy your first agent to any LEGION region.

Objective Optional No glitches

Complete LEGION Alert Level by defeating the LEGION Captain.

Objective Optional No glitches

Destroy a Hate Machine Emplacement.

Objective Optional No glitches

Destroy a Ice Barrage Emplacement.

Objective Optional No glitches

Destroy a Dark Matter Fracking Station.

Objective Optional No glitches

Enter a secret room inside a LEGION lair.

Objective Optional No glitches

Build your first vehicle through blueprints.

Objective Optional No glitches

Complete a LEGION lair for the first time in Seoul.

Objective Optional No glitches
Difficult to avoid getting this as you play through the game - some missions require you to complete lairs.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Hit 10 jumps in the city.

Objective Optional No glitches
Easy enough to get naturally while driving around. This isn't GTA-like where there are special jump points hidden around the place.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Destroy a Gravity Dominator.

Objective Optional No glitches

Destroy a Golem in the open world.

Objective Optional No glitches

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Unlock 5 Warp Points through open world gameplay.

Grind Optional No glitches

Story Ummissable No glitches Story completion
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Collect all agent vehicles.

Grind Optional No glitches

Reach level 40 on any agent

Grind Optional No glitches
Get to level 20 with XP in normal play, then 'overlevel' to 40 by using Upgrade Cores, 1 per level. Near endgame you should have more than enough upgrade cores to do this if you've been exploring and picking up shards wherever possible.

Objective Optional No glitches
Find a secret room inside a secret room [inside a Lair]. Fully explore every lair and you'll get this sooner or later, they are randomly generated.

Complete a 360 in the air while in a vehicle.

Objective Optional No glitches

Fully upgrade all areas of the ARK.

Grind Optional No glitches

Fully deck out Franchise Force in their signature outfits.

Objective Optional No glitches

Complete the Moscow Global Offensive.

Objective Optional No glitches

Complete 30 MAYHEM & Agent Contracts.

Grind Optional No glitches

Fully deck out Firing Squad in their signature outfits.

Objective Optional No glitches

Fully deck out Carnage a Trois in their signature outfits.

Objective Optional No glitches

Fully deck out the Bombshells in their signature outfits.

Objective Optional No glitches

Unlock and Complete all standard VR room training programs.

Grind Optional No glitches
There are lots of these, you have to complete them all - but they are all quite short. You don't gain XP or anything for characters in here, so pick whatever character you can kill things the fastest with.

Use mission replay to replay and complete 3 missions.

Objective Optional No glitches
Mission replay becomes available after you complete the story. You may get this if you have to replay missions for the "Hardcore Gamer" achievement.

Complete all agent personal missions and get all agents to level 20.

Grind Optional No glitches
Apparently you just need to get any 12 agents to level 20 - so you can mix and match base game and DLC characters for whichever ones you prefer!

Complete all Operations on Difficulty Level 7+.

Objective Missable Previously glitched
Mission replay is unlocked after completing the story, so you can go back and redo any you did on a lower difficulty. Agent unlock missions don't count. The original glitch was that if you didn't get this on your first run through of the game, it was impossible to unlock with mission replay. But this is fixed since early Nov 2017.

Collect all collectible Shards in game.

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches
There are 350 shards. A late-game agency upgrade will allow nearby shards to show when you scan the local area - but still it is a mission to get all 350. Note that some are high on buildings.

Complete 15 Connected Contracts.

Grind Optional No glitches
This will be quite a grind. Every time you play, go in and accept all 3 connected contracts that you can - favouring those that look completeable; i.e. those that are closest to complete or that you can make a big difference to. Try to adjust your activities in game to help contribute to completing the contract. You'll get it eventually...