interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker


Can be done in one playthrough with a small amount of save scumming, but otherwise two playthroughs are recommended; the first as a full run for all collectibles/etc and to learn the mechanics - and a second (faster) run without driving, drinking, smoking or shooting. This second run should only take 3 hours or less.


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Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Guide in progress
26% complete
9 Story, 6 Objective, 20 Unknown,
9 Unmissable, 3 Missable, 2 Optional, 1 Soft-missable, 20 Unknown,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
35 achievements

Reach the General Store.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Take a picture needed for the investigation.

Objective Optional No glitches
The first you can do is early on at the General Store - photograph it. You'll need to get all investigation photos for PaparazziPaparazzi.

Complete Gilles Lachance's vision.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Complete Gilles Lachance's vision"

Complete Gisèle Lachance's vision.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Complete Gisèle Lachance's vision"

Complete Jean-Guy Lamothe's vision.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Complete Jean-Guy Lamothe's vision"

Activate the spaceship.

Objective Optional No glitches
Its in Lamothe garage. You'll need pliers, Duct tape (1), Hardware (1). Repair it to get the achievement.

Find a winter coat to keep you warm.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Find a winter coat to keep you warm"

Repair the snowmobile.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete Réjean Blouin's vision.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Complete Réjean Blouin's vision"

Find the rifle.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Get rid of wolves without killing.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Light a dark area with the lantern.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Get rid of the ice wall.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Get rid of the ice wall"

Find Hamilton's killer.

Story Ummissable No glitches
"Find Hamilton's killer"

Shoot the Wendigo with the rifle.

Objective Soft-missable No glitches
You can only get this at The Sanctuary (you can reload the checkpoint here for this) - at the beginning of the flashback when the Wendigo is chasing you. Equip the rifle and shoot at it to get the achievement. You can't get this anywhere else.

Complete the game.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

In typical Canadian fashion, Carl left $10 for the cutoff chain.

Objective Missable No glitches
Right at the beginning of the game you have to cut a chain that blocks the bridge to town. Immediately after this go left and up to the tollbooth. Interact with the rock to leave $10 and get the achievement.

Clear the boulders near the Lachances' house.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Send a radio message with a big antenna.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

End the unfinished chess games.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find every house and cabin in the village.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete the game without smoking any cigarettes.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all crossbow bolts.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Throw a steak at a strange creature.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all evidence tied to Hamilton's death.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete the game without drinking any alcohol.

Objective Missable No glitches
Despite the description this appears to be about not drinking *anything*. So don't, not even bottled water. The only thing you'd need to drink for anyway is to regain mental health and there's other ways to do that anyway.

Shoot a flare at night.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Collect the 10 letters from Martin Blais' treasure hunt.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all documents.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find three talismans.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete the game without firing any firearms shot.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all talismans.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Take all pictures needed for the investigation.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete the game without using vehicles (past the Store).

Objective Missable No glitches
You'll have to drive at the beginning until you get to the General Store. Don't drive again after that. NB lighting fires will be important, as will prioritizing getting warmer clothing.

Find all campfires in the wild.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches