Bomber Crew
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker


A good fun FTL-like with a cartoony WWII bomber. Pretty easy on the achievements; most you'll get naturally through your playthrough, and most of the rest are easy to deliberately get. The only two to watch out for - aside from keeping your whole crew alive for Seven Survive SevenSeven Survive Seven and Tour Of DutyTour Of Duty - are Ace of AcesAce of Aces and QualifiedQualified; concentrate on levelling up your crew and make sure to find and kill Aces whenever you see a mission with one available. Bear in mind you can grind out each campaign segment by repeating all the non-critical missions as much as you like, they randomly regenerate after each attempt (technically, each time you enter the hanger to select one, whether you fly or not...)


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Difficulty affects achievements?
Complete guide
6 Story, 11 Grind, 13 Objective,
6 Unmissable, 4 Missable, 17 Optional, 3 Soft-missable,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
30 achievements

Complete the first mission

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Destroy an enemy target

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Take a photo of an intel site

Objective Optional No glitches
Most missions will have an optional objective for this. Use someone in the bomber position to do this, the bomb bay doors do not need to be open.

Return to the airbase having successfully completed a mission

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Complete a successful mission with the full crew surviving

Objective Optional No glitches

Repair an engine mid-flight

Objective Optional No glitches
you can send a dude (preferably the engineer) to repair the engine if damaged; he will climb out along the wing to do it. This should be easy to get; engine damage will be inevitable as you go through the missions. NB don't emergency dive while he is out there... ...he will fall off and die!

Encounter an Enemy Ace

Story Optional No glitches
Aces will be randomly present in the missions in each campaign segment. Besides choosing a mission with an ace in it and flying you don't need to do anything to 'encounter' them... ...they will find you!

Destroy 50 enemy fighters

Grind Optional No glitches

Sink 5 Submarines

Grind Ummissable No glitches
It will be mostly impossible to miss this as you go through the story.

Fly 10 missions

Grind Ummissable No glitches

Destroy 20 enemy targets

Grind Optional No glitches

Defeat an Enemy Ace

Story Soft-missable No glitches
Note that missions are randomly re-generated even if you just save & return to main menu and come back in. you can use this to good effect to help get aces to appear... ..and to get them to appear in an easier type of mission!

Complete 7 missions with the same full crew surviving

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Fly 25 missions

Grind Optional No glitches

Destroy 250 enemy fighters

Grind Optional No glitches

Shoot down a V1 Rocket

Objective Optional No glitches
You'll see these in the 2nd portion of the game, they can be tagged like enemy fighters and should be easy to shoot down. you should get this easily.

Land at the airbase with only one working engine

Objective Optional No glitches

Defeat 4 Enemy Aces (in one campaign)

Grind Missable No glitches
See Ace of Aces.

Fly 40 missions

Grind Optional No glitches

Have one of your crew survive 30 missions

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Fully level up a crew member

Objective Missable No glitches
Remember they level up more slowly if a secondary skill is selected. Keep one member with no secondary so they level the primary more quickly (the XP is split between primary and secondary). Level 12 is maxxed. Level 4 for the secondary for Medic.

Fully level up a crew member in two skills

Grind Optional No glitches
Once at level 5, in the Training screen you can select a secondary skill for each crew member. XP per mission gets split between the primary and secondary skill.

Use 'focus' on all 4 gunner stations at once (Main Campaign)

Objective Optional No glitches
You'll need to have selected gunnery as a secondary skill for two people (bomber and mechanic maybe) - and level this up to 5 to get access to the Focus ability.

Destroy a target using the Grand Slam bomb

Objective Missable No glitches
Available from the 6th campaign segment. Must be launched from High altitude - so get the thermals on your crew! NB can be done from Medium altitude just after selecting to go to High - but in this case aim a chunk *after* the target in the bombsight crosshair; maybe the diameter of a large base.

Defeat all Enemy Aces (in one campaign)

Grind Missable No glitches
There is one ace per campaign segment, so 8 in all. Ish. Make sure you get one in each segment - but if lucky you may get 2 in a segment (I got 2 in the 5th segment). They will be randomly present on the randomly generated missions in each segment. Keep grinding the missions until you get the ace. They will often take two attempts/missions to kill as they will usually escape the first time (assuming you're not hanging about in the mission!). Ofc aces are tough; upgrade stuff before attempting and don't be afraid to run away and try again later if you're getting battered.

Complete a mission and land at the airbase with less than 5% fuel remaining

Objective Optional No glitches
Its easy to do this at the end of the mission by instructing the pilot to land but leaving the gear up; he will circle round and round making landing attempts. When the fuel gauge nears the bottom of the red part lower the gear and you'll land pretty quick. Use the Boost option to consume fuel more quickly while circling. Also time acceleration.

Story Ummissable No glitches
Complete the campaign

Bail out your entire crew

Objective Optional No glitches
you need parachutes for everyone for this - which means you will need around $10k to buy the equipment stations. Use the command on the Pilot to get the rest of the crew to bail, then take the pilot manually to a remaining parachute and then to one of the parachute icons to get him to bail too - the achievement will then pop pretty much immediately.

Complete a mission and land at the airbase with 2 or fewer crew members surviving

Objective Optional No glitches
Puit your crew naked (or clothing with minimal armour), and make your plane as tough as possible. Except the pilot and one other (navigator!). Or, put 5 people out on the wing with no parachute and do an emergency dive... Good luck... NB to avoid messing up your campaign progress, do this at the beginning of the campaign (first mission), or back up your saves first (C:\Users\%Username\AppData\LocalLow\Runner Duck\Bomber Crew)

Destroy 200 enemy targets

Grind Optional No glitches
This will take a lot of grinding - even if you're repeatedly grinding the missions in each campaign segment to earn the cash for plane upgrades. Note that you can bomb any random enemy buildings to count against this - even the optional photo op recon objectives (if you're nimble you can get a photo and bomb it in one pass over!). If you bomb on a first pass and photo the wreckage on the 2nd pass you *will* still get the recon photo credit. Do this on every mission to help get there more quickly...