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74% complete
20 Grind, 17 Objective,
31 Optional, 6 Unknown,
37 Multi-player,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
37 achievements

Kill a player by any means.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill a player.

Kill 10 players by any means.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill 10 players.

Jump out from an airplane 101 times.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
jump from the plane 101 times.

Obtain a Chicken Dinner in Squads.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
place 1st in a squad match.

Kill 100 players by any means.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill 100 players.

Obtain a Chicken Dinner in Duos.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
place 1st in a duo match.

Wear the outfit of a dead player.

Objective Missability unknown Multi-player No glitches

Reach the top 10 without killing anyone.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
reach top ten without killing anyone. your teammates can kill but you can't.

Obtain a Chicken Dinner in Solo.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
place 1st in a solo game.

Revive a knocked-downed teammate.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
revive a teammate.

Charge your boost gauge to the max with energy drink and painkiller overdose.

Objective Missability unknown Multi-player No glitches

Win a game 10 times.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
win ten game of solo,duo, or squads.

Kill at least 4 players in a single match.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill four players in a single match.

Kill 10 players with an assault rifle and/or a sniper rifle from over 100 meters away.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Reach the top 10 10 times.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
reach top 10 10 times in any game mode.

Kill 10 players with a shotgun, a submachine gun, and/or a pistol.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Get the first kill of a match.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
get the first kill of a match.

Equip a ghillie suit for the first time.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
get a ghillie suit from a carpackage and equip it.

Kill 1000 players by any means.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill 1000 players.

Kill 30 players with an assault rifle and/or a sniper rifle from over 100 meters away.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Equip a suppressed weapon in every weapon slot.

Objective Missability unknown Multi-player No glitches

Kill 50 players with a shotgun, a submachine gun, and/or a pistol.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Kill 100 players with an assault rifle and/or a sniper rifle from over 100 meters away.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Loot 50 items from the carepackage.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
loot 50 items from carepackages.

Kill another player with the frying pan.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill a player with the frying pan.

Equip a Lv.3 Helmet, Military Vest, and Backpack in 10 matches.

Objective Missability unknown Multi-player No glitches

Kill 50 players with suppressed weapons.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
get 50 suppressed weapon kills.

Kill 10 players with grenades.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
get 10 grenade kills.

Get into a vehicle with an enemy player.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches
jump into a vehicle with a enemy player.

Headshot and kill 10 enemy players with a sniper rifle.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
get 10 headshot kills with a sniper.

Kill 200 players with a shotgun, a submachine gun, and/or a pistol.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Kill 10 players by hitting them with a vehicle.

Objective Missability unknown Multi-player No glitches

Kill 30 players with grenades.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
get 30 grenade kills.

Kill 20 players with bare hands.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill 20 players with your fists.

Kill 50 players with grenades.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
get 50 grenade kills.

Kill 10 players with a gun while in a vehicle.

Objective Missability unknown Multi-player No glitches

Kill 10 players with the crossbow.

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches
kill 10 players with hte crossbow.