A Winter’s Daydream
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



An easy 100% for this visual novel - everything is Story/Unmissable.


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Complete guide
11 Story,
11 Unmissable,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
11 achievements

Return home

Story Ummissable No glitches

You will get this as soon as you leave the title screen.

Receive a gift from your little sister

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Witness something incredible

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Take a bus ride

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Visit antiques shop

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Watch your grandmother sample a cute dessert

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

When things don't go according to plan...

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Preside over a tearful reunion

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Got to the credits

Story Ummissable No glitches

You will get this at the very end once you reach the credits

Repair your relationship with your little sister

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Finish reading

Story Ummissable No glitches

You will receive this after the credits are done.