interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker


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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
10 achievements

Chose "I mean, I can’t move my arms either," giving Beatrice an opening for a really bad pun.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Chose "That can’t be right. You must be misinterpreting the data somehow. You were rushed."

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Chose "Clearly, you can still chat," because your sense of sarcasm remains intact.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Found the first ending.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Started the game!

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Found the second ending.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Finished the credits. Thanks for playing!

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Chose "Just leave me the f#ck alone," because that's what you needed.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Chose "F#CK MY GIANT METALLIC BODY," because it is killing you.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

Chose "My name is Cort, jack#ss," reinforcing your own entity.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches