Cities: Skylines II
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



The biggest and most famous (infamous?) of the city builders. Large cities of an epic scale, and at the same time some fairly epic performance requirements.

Most of the achievements are pretty straightforward - but by far the hardest is You Little Stalker!You Little Stalker!, not because you have to do anything (you don't) but just because as your city grows the simulation speed inevitably slows, and so this takes a really, really long time to unlock.

Besides that, for Key to the CityKey to the City many buildings have to upgrade to level 5 to unlock the corresponding landmark building - this can also take an age to complete, especially on larger cities.

Otherwise no known glitches (some early glitched achievements were fixed soon after launch in an early patch).

A few different scenarios may be needed for weather effects like The Size of Golf Balls!The Size of Golf Balls!, but aside from that it can pretty much all be done in one large (and very long!) game.


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34% complete
1 Story, 35 Objective,
1 Unmissable, 35 Optional,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
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36 achievements

Build city with residential, commercial and industrial zones, water, and electricity.

Objective Optional No glitches

Technically this is optional, but in practise it'd be nigh on impossible to miss this during the course of building out a city. You'll get it pretty quickly.

Have buildings from all four zone types in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

This is Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Office. This is easy to get as soon as your city is large enough to be able to zone the different types.

Reach enough milestones to unlock all city services in a single city.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Have at least 1000 citizens and an average happiness rating of 75%.

Objective Optional No glitches

This is easy and can be achieved pretty quickly; any decent city will do it. Keep an eye on the happy icon toward the right of the icon row at the bottom of the screen and address any issues reported there.

Understandably, citizens like low-ish taxes, parks, good services (medical, police, fire, etc) and having education and jobs. Standard stuff, really.

Unlock 50 map tiles in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

More map tiles can be unlocked as your city grows and passes the various milestones. 50 tiles isn't too many and will be easy enough to get as your population grows.

Build 5 signature buildings in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

You'll need this on the way to Key to the CityKey to the City - signature buildings are in the icon next to zoning. Each one has a different requirement for your city to be able to unlock it; the tooltip for each will explain what the requirement is; it'll be either X units of a certain zoning type, or & buildings levelled up to level 5 or similar. The first 5 (any 5) are pretty easy; pick the zoning ones.

Experience a tornado.

Objective Optional No glitches

Experience a forest fire.

Objective Optional No glitches

Experience a hailstorm.

Objective Optional No glitches

Assign a policy to a city district.

Objective Optional No glitches

Build 10 parks in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Unlock 150 map tiles in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Plant 100 trees or bushes with the landscaping tool in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Create a city district and assign a city service to that district.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have a city that produces electricity by only using renewable energy sources.

Objective Optional No glitches

Build 10 signature buildings in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Experience all four seasons by building a city in a climate with a snowy winter.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have 6,000 citizens treated at medical clinics or hospitals in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have a total loan of at least 200,000 in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Build any airport.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have a look at each individual info view panel.

Objective Optional No glitches

Reach a population of 100,000.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have 20 active transport lines. These can be passenger or cargo lines or any mix of the two.

Objective Optional No glitches

Build a city where at least 15% of the population has a university level of education.

Objective Optional No glitches

Bulldoze a total of 1000 buildings.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have a total of 6,000 tourist visits in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have at least 1000 citizens and a city attractiveness rating of 90.

Objective Optional No glitches

Use the photo mode to take a screenshot

Objective Optional No glitches

Have 5 city policies active simultaneously.

Objective Optional No glitches

Reach milestone 20.

Objective Optional No glitches

Unlock each building available in the base game.

Objective Optional No glitches

Per the in-game notes on the achievement - this does need to be in a single city.

The requirements for each unique building are clearly listed in the game, as is whether each has been unlocked/built - so this is easy to track.

However it will take a while as some buildings require hundreds of regular buildings to have upgraded to level 5 - so your biggest enemy will be simulation speed slowing down causing this to take forever as your city inevitably grows.

Its probably best to leave the (easier) regular residential ones to last and focus on commercial/industrial - either way it'll take a loooonnnng time. Almost as long as You Little Stalker!You Little Stalker!

Create 10 different districts in a single city and assign policies to each.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have 50 active transport lines. These can be passenger or cargo lines or any mix of the two.

Objective Optional No glitches

Build all unique city service buildings in a single city.

Objective Optional No glitches

Have at least 1000 citizens and an average happiness rating of 25%.

Objective Optional No glitches

Follow a citizen's lifepath from childhood to old age.

Objective Optional No glitches

The game has a follow mechanic where you can tag individual citizens to keep tabs on them, using the icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

To tag a citizen, click on them whilst they're walking about and hit the Follow icon in the info box that appears.

For this achievement, find a child and tag them to follow them. Then just wait until they reach old age.

Do this right at the beginning of a city, as quickly as possible - because it will take a really really long time for them to reach old age.

Your enemy here will be game simulation speed, so try to keep the city small and efficient so you don't lose too much CPU to simulating millions of citizens and waiting until you yourself die of old age before this unlocks...