Get 1,000 Chaos.
Get 1,000 Chaos.
Liberate a Province.
Liberate a Province.
Complete an Encounter.
Complete an Encounter.
Earn at least 3 Gears in a Challenge.
Earn at least 3 Gears in a Challenge.
Unlock your first Gear MOD, and then activate it.
Unlock your first Gear MOD, and then activate it.
Liberate 13 settlements.
Liberate 13 settlements.
Get 100,000 Chaos.
Get 100,000 Chaos.
Unlock Rebel Drops for at least one land vehicle, one air vehicle, and one sea vehicle.
Unlock Rebel Drops for at least one land vehicle, one air vehicle, and one sea vehicle.
Unlock 3 Heat-Clearing Priests by completing Encounters.
Unlock 3 Heat-Clearing Priests by completing Encounters.
Disable the FOW in Insula Fonte.
Disable the FOW in Insula Fonte.
Beat another player's score in a Challenge.
Beat another player's score in a Challenge.
Earn 5 Gears in a Challenge.
Earn 5 Gears in a Challenge.
Completely liberate Insula Fonte.
Completely liberate Insula Fonte.
Stand on foot at the highest point of Medici.
Stand on foot at the highest point of Medici.
Tether an enemy to a launched gas cannister. Adeo, amico!
Tether an enemy to a launched gas cannister. Adeo, amico!
Completely liberate Insula Dracon.
Completely liberate Insula Dracon.
Get 1,000,000 Chaos.
Get 1,000,000 Chaos.
Completely liberate Insula Striate.
Completely liberate Insula Striate.
Defeat 1 of each Drone type.
Defeat 1 of each Drone type.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Use the Bavarium Wingsuit to take off from water.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Use the Bavarium Wingsuit to take off from water.
Plant a Booster Explosive on an enemy soldier. Then send them flying.
Plant a Booster Explosive on an enemy soldier. Then send them flying.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Use the Barrel Roll to evade 10 incoming missiles.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Use the Barrel Roll to evade 10 incoming missiles.
Defeat the "Old Friend" (Boss at the end of "Taking Control").
Defeat the "Old Friend" (Boss at the end of "Taking Control").
Hijack your first Mech.
Hijack your first Mech.
Unlock every Gear MOD in a single category.
Unlock every Gear MOD in a single category.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Beat the last mission of the Sky Fortress Expansion and complete the story arc.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Beat the last mission of the Sky Fortress Expansion and complete the story arc.
Get the Rocket Boat, also known as "The Loochador".
Get the Rocket Boat, also known as "The Loochador".
Earn at least 3 Gears in one Challenge of every type.
Earn at least 3 Gears in one Challenge of every type.
Liberate 3 Detention Camps.
Liberate 3 Detention Camps.
Defeat 5 enemy helicopters with the Rocket Boat.
Defeat 5 enemy helicopters with the Rocket Boat.
(DLC Mech Land Assault) Beat the last mission of the Mech Land Assault Expansion and complete the story arc.
(DLC Mech Land Assault) Beat the last mission of the Mech Land Assault Expansion and complete the story arc.
Destroy all Chaos Objects in a Base without leaving your vehicle.
Destroy all Chaos Objects in a Base without leaving your vehicle.
(DLC Bavarium Sea Heist) Beat the last mission of the Bavarium Sea Heist expansion and complete the story arc.
(DLC Bavarium Sea Heist) Beat the last mission of the Bavarium Sea Heist expansion and complete the story arc.
Defeat 1 enemy helicopter using the eDEN Spark.
Defeat 1 enemy helicopter using the eDEN Spark.
Defeat 10 enemy vehicles while in the air with the Rocket Boat.
Defeat 10 enemy vehicles while in the air with the Rocket Boat.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Earn at least 1 Gear in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Earn at least 1 Gear in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion.
Perform every Feat.
Perform every Feat.
Unlock 10 Resupply Points by completing Encounters.
Unlock 10 Resupply Points by completing Encounters.
Pay your respects at every Ancient Tomb.
Pay your respects at every Ancient Tomb.
Gather all of Di Ravello's tapes.
Gather all of Di Ravello's tapes.
Find every vintage weapon and vehicle part.
Find every vintage weapon and vehicle part.
Launch a land vehicle off of every Daredevil Jump in Medici.
Launch a land vehicle off of every Daredevil Jump in Medici.
Light a candle at every Rebel Shrine.
Light a candle at every Rebel Shrine.
(DLC Mech Land Assault) Earn at least 1 Gear in all Challenges of the Mech Land Assault Expansion.
(DLC Mech Land Assault) Earn at least 1 Gear in all Challenges of the Mech Land Assault Expansion.
Find every collectible strewn across Medici.
Find every collectible strewn across Medici.
Call-Out another player in a Feat.
Call-Out another player in a Feat.
Destroy every Chaos Object in a Military Base without weapons, grenades, or planted explosives.
Destroy every Chaos Object in a Military Base without weapons, grenades, or planted explosives.
Defeat 10 enemies with the same eDEN Spark strike.
Defeat 10 enemies with the same eDEN Spark strike.
Destroy 30 enemy vehicles using the Mech's Force Pulse.
Destroy 30 enemy vehicles using the Mech's Force Pulse.
Collect every vehicle available by bringing them to Mario's Rebel Garages.
Collect every vehicle available by bringing them to Mario's Rebel Garages.
Take sanctuary in a monastery to clear Heat Level 5.
Take sanctuary in a monastery to clear Heat Level 5.
Unlock every weapon and vehicle available in the Rebel Drop menu.
Unlock every weapon and vehicle available in the Rebel Drop menu.
(DLC Mech Land Assault) Earn 5 Gears in all Challenges of the Mech Land Assault Expansion.
(DLC Mech Land Assault) Earn 5 Gears in all Challenges of the Mech Land Assault Expansion.
Beat a score you were Called-Out on.
Beat a score you were Called-Out on.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Earn 5 Gears in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion.
(DLC Sky Fortress) Earn 5 Gears in all Challenges of the Sky Fortress Expansion.
Have every Gear MOD active for at least 1 minute each.
Have every Gear MOD active for at least 1 minute each.
Earn 5 Gears in every Challenge.
Earn 5 Gears in every Challenge.
100% Just Cause 3.
100% Just Cause 3.