Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker


There are four missable achievements to get during a playthrough; Crippled but AbleCrippled but Able at the beginning, "I'm Machine Enough" in the New Orleans level, Kick ItKick It during the Venus mission and Taste of Your own MedicineTaste of Your own Medicine at the end. The hardest difficulty is required for one achievement; Mein lebenMein leben, which you have to complete the game on a lower difficulty first for. This is nigh on impossible; super hard difficulty in hardcore/permadeath mode. Yeah.


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Guide in progress
23% complete
19 Story, 2 Grind, 16 Objective, 10 All-the-things, 33 Unknown,
13 Unmissable, 11 Missable, 14 Optional, 42 Unknown,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
80 achievements

Make the choice

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Use the power armor

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Stop the Nazi signal from Section F

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Upgrade a weapon

Objective Optional No glitches
The first weapon upgrade kit is in the shooting range; where you'll go as the first mission in the newly calmed Eva's Hammer on talking to Set. Its just inside the entrance as you go in and first encounter the drone. You can then upgrade any weapon you've encountered thus far in the journal menu.

Recruit Grace's group

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Perform a takedown while in the wheelchair

Objective Missable No glitches
You can only do this right at the beginning of the game when in a wheelchair - wheel up to an enemy and melee them! Start a new game if you miss the opportunity...

Find Area 52

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Max a perk

Objective Optional No glitches

Kill dad

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Get a new body

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Fully upgrade a weapon

Objective Optional No glitches

Recruit Horton's group

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Travel to outer space

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Capture the Ausmerzer

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Beat the game

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Wait for the game to resume after the credits

Story Ummissable No glitches
After completing the game, let the credits roll to the end and let play resume on its own.

Play Wolfstone 3D

Objective Optional No glitches
Do this anytime in Eva's Hammer.

Upgrade a Contraption

Objective Optional No glitches

Achieve the highest score in the Shooting Range

Objective Optional No glitches
This is located inside Eva's Hammer, anytime after the 2nd mission. Its pretty easy to get the requisite 375 points in 60 seconds for this, especially with the Maschinenpistole.

Decipher an Übercommander's location using the Enigma Machine

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Visit a District

Objective Optional No glitches

Beat the game on "Bring 'em on!" difficulty or higher

Story Missable No glitches

Achieve the second best time in the Killhouse

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Kill Hitler during the Aerostat Audition

Objective Missable No glitches
In the story mission "Venus", when Hitler is lying on the ground, kick him as you walk by...

Find at least one of each collectible item

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches
Find at least one of each type of collectible. They get marked on the map in each area after killing the local Commander. Ubercommander death cards can be gotten by using the Enigma machine to hunt down Ubercommanders and kill them - which is easiest after the story is complete! You can check progress against this easily in the Extras tab of the journal menu.

Stealth kill 10 enemies in a row

Objective Optional No glitches
You can abuse this with a save; save after each kill and reload if detected. Your streak survives across reloads...

Beat the game on "Do or die!" difficulty or higher

Story Missable No glitches

Perform a Constrictor Harness takedown

Objective Optional No glitches

Finish a District without triggering an alarm

Objective Optional No glitches

Destroy a Zerstörer with an Übergewehr

Objective Missable No glitches
"Destroy a Zerstorer with an Ubergewehr". Do this in "Ausmerzer" right at the end of the game (final boss).

Ramshackles tackle a charging Supersoldat

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Max all Perks

Grind Optional No glitches
Perk progress survives across reloads/deaths - so its easy enough to grind this out by (for example) saving just behind a commander, stealth killing him, and reloading. You can work out how to apply this hack to other methods for the rest of the perks... You can also continue to grind this out after the story.

Acquire all Contraptions and Contraption upgrades

Unknown kind Ummissable No glitches
You can get these after the story by revisiting the right areas.

Beat the game on "Call me Terror-Billy!" difficulty or higher

Story Missable No glitches

Visit every District

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete the Killboard

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Collect all Übercommander death cards

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the game on "I am death incarnate!" difficulty or higher

Story Missable No glitches

Perform a Battle Walker takedown

Objective Optional No glitches

Find all of Max's toys

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Fully upgrade all weapons

Objective Missability unknown No glitches

Find all records

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Throw a hatchet and kill an enemy from 30m

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Complete all side missions

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Find all starcards

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Found all concept art

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Find all gold

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Panzerhund ride without killing anyone on "Bring 'em On!" difficulty or higher

Objective Missable No glitches
In the mission "New Orleans", after climbing the ladder you'll be sitting on a Panzerhund - rush the level without killing anyone on the "Bring 'Em On" difficulty or higher. Make sure you don't run enemies over. The achievement will unlock when you enter the sewers. This is missable because there is no Panzerhund if you revisit the district after the story. Note this is much easier if you just get off the Panzerhund and complete the segment on foot. Even more so if you are only on the Bring It On difficulty.

Collect 1000 helmets

Grind Optional No glitches
A long grind... ...you can continue grinding this out after the story.

Elude your pursuers

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Escape from Research Station Omega

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Eliminate Übercommander Hans

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Cancel Chuck Lorentz

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Return to America

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Enact Revenge on Übercommander Metze

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Kill General Dunkel

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Destroy the cannons of Kodiak Island

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Stop the Sun Gun

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the game on "Mein leben" difficulty

Story Missable No glitches
The hardest difficulty, only unlocked after completing the game on a lower difficulty first. This is basically "I am death incarnate" difficulty... ..but with hardcore/permadeath. Good luck...

Beat "The Deeds of Captain Wilkins" on "Mein leben" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Submerged challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all gold in "The Deeds of Captain Wilkins"

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all gold in "The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe"

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Find all gold in "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death"

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Kodiak Islands challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all readables in "The Deeds of Captain Wilkins"

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat "The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe" on "Mein leben" difficulty

Story Missable No glitches

Beat the "The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe" on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty or higher

Story Missable No glitches

Beat "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death" on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty or higher

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat "The Deeds of Captain Wilkins" on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty or higher

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Anchorage challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Sacramento challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat The Moon challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Hollywood challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Venus challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death" on "Mein leben" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all readables in "The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe"

Do-all-the-things Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Nightmare challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Find all readables in "The Diaries of Agent Silent Death"

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Beat the Station Omega challenge on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches