Be ready to lose yourself for months, potentially, in this huge and engrossing first-person factory/automation game. The aim is to - starting from nothing - build and max out the Space Elevator, culminating in Saved the Day, probably.
Nothing is missable, and the (long) tutorial gradually introduces the game mechanics - so this isn't a hard 100%, but it does take a good chunk of time.
Decent cooperative multiplayer is great fun - but not needed for any of the achievements. Arguably Look both ways next time is slightly easier with another player present, but it's by no means necessary.
To approach it, follow the tutorial through and make sure to automate as much as possible as quickly as possible to reduce the time you have to spend manually crafting. In particular, build and use a Portable Miner as quickly as possible for Rock and stone!.
There are some collectibles to keep an eye out for; Mercer Spheres for Consume, Somersloops for
My skin feels itchy all of a sudden... and hard drives for
Data driven but in all cases there are far more available in the world than you need for these achievements so don't sweat it too much - but you will also need most of them to complete all the MAM research for
...Satisfactory brought it back so keep exploring and keep an eye out as you build out your factory.
The easiest way to keep track of collectibles (and find where they are), including the power slugs, hard drives, Somersloops, and Mercer Spheres is at the interactive map - you can upload your save file and items already found will be greyed out on the map so you can instantly see what's left to find. This map is linked to at various points in this guide.
Aside from that you can generally progress at your leisure and tick off the various achievements whenever you feel like it - many of which will come naturally as you play without really trying; e.g. New fear unlocked very early on, and
Heal this, nature! not too long after.
Fix blown fuse.
Fix blown fuse.
A fuse will inevitably blow early in the game when you don't have much power. Its easy to make it happen manually too; just drive more machinery than the connected power generators can provide and the fuse will trip. You can fix it by going to the generator, or any connected pole, and pulling the lever down. Of course it'll instantly trip again if there's still too much current being drawn.
Gather a Power Slug.
Gather a Power Slug.
The first power slugs you'll see will likely be the blue ones. Keep an eye out on rocks, especially high up, and build a ramp or ladder if you can't get up to collect them.
This will unlock for the first, then get the other two for Caught them all
Place down a Portable Miner.
Place down a Portable Miner.
Portable Miners can be built in the equipment bay from very early in the game, and you'll need them to build permanent miners anyway - so just take one to a mineral seam and plonk it down.
Whilst not strictly necessary, using portable miners is the fastest way to get materials in the tutorial & early stages anyway, so its worth doing.
Gather a Mercer Sphere.
Gather a Mercer Sphere.
Just like Somersloops and Power Slugs, these are all over the place on the map and you'll inevitably spot one soon enough.
Then find another 149 for Consume.
Gather all three types of edible flora.
Gather all three types of edible flora.
There's only three, and they're quite easy to find, dotted around all over the map. As soon as you have a vehicle and start exploring it'll be easy to find them and tick them off.
Destroy 1000 foliage.
Destroy 1000 foliage.
Right from the start of the game you can destroy small bushes by walking into them and pressing 'E'. A few milestones later you can build a chainsaw to destroy trees.
You'll need to destroy lots of vegetation in the early game for fuel for your factory. This, plus later exploration, means it won't be hard to get to 1000 items destroyed - this will likely come during normal play.
Gather a Somersloop.
Gather a Somersloop.
This for the first you find, then 49 more for My skin feels itchy all of a sudden...
Complete Phase 1 of the Space Elevator.
Complete Phase 1 of the Space Elevator.
Bounce on a Space Giraffe Tick Penguin Thing.
Bounce on a Space Giraffe Tick Penguin Thing.
These huge lumbering creatures aren't hostile, and can be found all over the place just chilling around.
You can either build up to their level and attempt to jump over to one - or, once you've unlocked the Jetpack (early/mid game) you can use that; one charge is enough you get you from ground level up to bounce on their back.
Bounce.. ....yes, if the creatures weren't weird enough already, they are indeed bouncy!
Build the Space Elevator.
Build the Space Elevator.
Move faster than 140 km/h.
Move faster than 140 km/h.
There are a few ways to achieve this (e.g. building a hyperloop cannon) - but one easy way as soon as you've unlocked the Jetpack is in the HUB building; once you reach a milestorne and hit the big red button, immediately go outside and jetpack up to sit on top of the drone on the roof. There's enough time to get there before it takes off. You can then ride it almost to space - which will unlock this achievement.
You'll also die. So save first and reload after.
Complete the Onboarding process.
Complete the Onboarding process.
Print out your first Coupon.
Print out your first Coupon.
Coupons can be obtained from the Awesome Sink, which is a craftable building.
Once built and powered, use a belt to feed any excess materials you don't want any more from a storage container into the Awesome Sink. It will consume them, and produce tokens in return. Interact with the building, print the tokens and then (the non-obvious bit) drag the printed coupon at the bottom of the screen into your inventory.
You'll need coupons for Are you sure that's coffee?,
Do you need that? and
No refunds.
Unlock your first alternate recipe.
Unlock your first alternate recipe.
Alternate recipes provide different (better?) recipes for crafting materials and components. They can be found in hard drives from crash sites around the map. You'll come across some whilst exploring, and you'll need to find a lot for Data driven.
Bring the hard drive back to the MAM and research it (which will take 10 minutes) - on completion you can return and have a choice of alternate recipe to unlock.
Build 5 km of Conveyor Belts.
Build 5 km of Conveyor Belts.
Sounds like a lot but isn't - you'll reach this easily around completion of the 2nd space elevator phase. Don't do anything special to get this, it's inevitable on the way to completion.
Gather all three Power Slug types.
Gather all three Power Slug types.
Power slugs are randomly around the world and are bright & glowing - they're pretty easy to spot if you keep an eye out for shiny things. Keep an eye on top of large rocks, and build ramps to get up to them if you need to.
You'll get Yoink! for the first one you find, and then this achievement will unlock when you've gotten all three types.
Note that Blue slugs are easy enough to get - but the others tend to be protected, or otherwise dangerous to get, by things around them; either creatures or aggressive plants or poison gas. These [places become easier to approach as you progress the game.
There are over 1,000 slugs in the world altogether - it won't be hard to find a few of each colour as you play through naturally.
Complete Phase 2 of the Space Elevator.
Complete Phase 2 of the Space Elevator.
Complete a MAM research tree.
Complete a MAM research tree.
The MAM is the research facility for unlocking all sorts of cool perks and extra things. You'll be asked to build one during the tutorial. There are multiple research trees, and probably the easiest is the Nutrition tree as there's only a few nodes to research and you pretty much just need the edible plants (which you'll get at least one of each for Varied diet) and Modular Frames (which are unlocked pretty early in the tech tree).
This achievement will unlock for the first tree you finish, then ...Satisfactory brought it back for all the rest.
Fall from a height and survive (just about) with only 1 health remaining.
This is easiest if you're at full health as the game won't let you insta-die from a fall at full health. So just go jump off a cliff... ...maybe the highest one for Peak gameplay
Hit a creature with a vehicle.
Hit a creature with a vehicle.
The first vehicle (the Tractor) will be unlocked in the early game, and is a useful vehicle for exploring around the map - all vehicles have extra inventory and a built-in crafting station, as well as moving a lot more quickly than you could on foot.
Whilst exploring, you'll see most places of interest have one or two aggressive creatures patrolling around them; just run them over to get the achievement. Running them over is often the easiest way to clear the area before looting it anyway.
Build your first Manufacturer.
Build your first Manufacturer.
The Manufacturer is the assembly building that takes four material inputs. It becomes available for research as part of the Industrial Manufacturing milestone, which is unlocked after completing phase 2 of the space elevator (Adequate pioneering).
This is Unmissable because there's no other way to craft some of the components you later need to complete the space elevator - so you have to lay at least one Manufacturer.
Avoid touching the ground for 30 minutes.
Avoid touching the ground for 30 minutes.
This does not have to be 30 consecutive minutes - its cumulative through your playthrough. So its likely you'll get this naturally in the later game if you're using the jetpack. And you should use the jetpack, its super fun!
But, if you really do want to grind it out on the spot for a whole half an hour, then see the embedded video for a zipline-based method for hanging in the air for that long.
Find and gather a Boombox tape in the world.
Find and gather a Boombox tape in the world.
The boombox is a portable music device, that can be bought in the Awesome Shop. Some music tapes can also be purchased in the shop - but for this achievement you need to discover one tape by exploring out in the world.
There are three (known) available to find, and you only have to get one - but they are not listed in the interactive map linked elsewhere in this guide.
The Satisfactory fandom wiki describes where they are.
Complete Phase 3 of the Space Elevator.
Complete Phase 3 of the Space Elevator.
Build 5000 Foundations.
Build 5000 Foundations.
Strangely, this might be one of the longer grinds in the game.
Make a habit of laying foundation for any piece of base you build, including resource outposts and such.
Its worth always carrying a good stock of Iron Plates and Concrete in your personal inventory so you can just lay out more foundation whenever its useful.
Build 5 km of Pipelines.
Build 5 km of Pipelines.
Pipes are unlocked relatively early in the game, and become necessary for the first non-biofuel power source (coal).
By the late-game, you'll need a lot of pipework so this will probably come through natural play - but if not just lay more pipes (you'll need Copper Sheet) until it pops.
You can obtain a coffee cup from the Awesome Shop, which costs 1 coupon. Equip and use it to drink some coffee and unlock this random and easy achievement!
Set up a train schedule.
Set up a train schedule.
Trains are a Tier 6 tech and become available for research after completing phase 2 of the space elevator (for Adequate pioneering).
This achievement can be unlocked by using a timetable to set up an automation for a train - albeit this is not really about timetabling nor scheduling; its really just a route/line definition with similar characteristics to what you'd see in a city builder game.
Note the achievement will pop just for setting the route - the train doesn't have to actually drive the route, and the route doesn't even have to work.
Tame a Lizard Doggo.
Tame a Lizard Doggo.
There are various Lizard Doggo creatures wandering around on the map, you'll likely encounter one fairly early on in your playthrough.
They are not aggressive, and normally quite scared of the player character - they'll run away if you try to approach.
To tame one, drop a Paleberry on the ground in front of you, whilst the doggo is looking at you. Hopefully it'll eat the berry, and the achievement should pop pretty much immediately. Interacting with the doggo afterwards lets you check if it's picked up any goodies for you :)
Get knocked over by a vehicle.
Get knocked over by a vehicle.
This is easily boosted in multiplayer by just having somebody deliberately run you over.
In single player you need to set up an automated route so a vehicle can be moving without you driving it - and then just stand in its way.
Visit each starting area biome once.
Visit each starting area biome once.
This doesn't have to be done all in the same game - so you can restart a new game for each to get through them quickly.
Or, use the interactive map to see the areas and make a trek to visit them. If you choose this method then mid-late game onwards is easiest once you have decent transportation options available to you.
Build 5 km of Railway.
Build 5 km of Railway.
Railways become available as a milestone to unlock after completing Phase 2 of the space elevator.
Once unlocked, railways are possibly the best mechanism for transporting goods across the map to your various factory areas - so building out 5km of track will probably end up coming naturally as you progress into the late game.
There are huge manta-ray type things flying in the sky - for this achievement you have to pet one. Build structures high enough to get you up there and then jump on one to pet it.
Reach the highest cliff in the world.
Reach the highest cliff in the world.
This is near the coast in the North-West part of the map - see the screenshot image (from, where the uranium deposit marker is.
This may be a good location to also go for What a thrill and
That was a close one
Complete Phase 4 of the Space Elevator.
Complete Phase 4 of the Space Elevator.
Reach the maximum world height.
Reach the maximum world height.
This is to get to the highest possible height, limted by the bounds of the 3D dimensions of the game map.
Its probably easiest to attempt this from the highest point on the ground, which you'll visit anyway for Peak gameplay. From there, you could build a hypertube cannon, or build ladders straight up into the sky - you can continue to build the next segments of the ladder whilst you're climbing up it so there's no real limit to how far you can go, until you reach the world limit of course.
Whilst you're up so high, save some time getting down again for That was a close one
The Cyber Wagon isn't available in the shop by default; first you need to feed a coupon back into the Awesome Sink to unlock it. Then you can buy the Cyber Wagon in the Awesome Shop, which will cost 20 coupons.
You'll need 10 Reinforced Iron Plates to build it, and then you can get in and drive it for the achievement.
You probably won't want to drive it again afterwards though...
Complete Phase 5 of the Space Elevator and finish the game.
Complete Phase 5 of the Space Elevator and finish the game.
Gather 50 Somersloops.
Gather 50 Somersloops.
You'll get Oddly familiar for the first one, and this after 50. There's just over 100 in total so you'll need around half of them.
The easiest way to keep track is at the interactive map - you can upload your save file and items already found will be greyed out on the map so you can instantly see what's left to find.
Gather 150 Mercer Spheres.
Gather 150 Mercer Spheres.
You'll get I'm sure these play a Critical Role for the first one you find, and then you need to find 150 for this achievement. There's approx 300 in the world in total so this is around half of them.
The easiest way to keep track is at the interactive map - you can upload your save file and items already found will be greyed out on the map so you can instantly see what's left to find.
Unlock all Milestones.
Unlock all Milestones.
You'll start the game through the tutorial unlocking milestones in your HUB. The higher tiers become available as you also completes phases of the Space Elevator.
This achievement is Optional (not Unmissable) because you can complete the game (by completing the Space Elevator) without unlocking all the milestones.
Progress here is easiest to keep track of directly in the HUB in-game.
Complete all MAM research trees.
Complete all MAM research trees.
The MAM is the research facility for unlocking all sorts of cool perks and extra things (zipline, blade runners for faster walking, a crude gun, etc). You'll be asked to the MAM during the tutorial. There are multiple research trees, and each requires you to collect (and/or craft) various pre-requisite items.
A key theme here is collecting items you'll find whilst exploring out in the wild; Power Slugs, Somersloops, Mercer Spheres - and remains of each kind of animal after killing them. You'll need many of each.
It's also worth collecting as much Caterium, Quartz and SAM as you can, as early as possible - as the refined outputs of these are needed in some quantity to complete many of the researchable items.
You'll get Curiosity killed the cat... for the first tree you complete, and then this achievement will unlock once you've done all the rest. This will take much of the game playthrough to collect enough of the items needed - but its worth keeping an eye on it all the way through and researching what you can when you can so there's no need for catchup at the end.
Gather 100 Hard Drives from Crash Sites.
Gather 100 Hard Drives from Crash Sites.
As you explore the map you'll come across FICSIT crash sites with pieces of wreckage scattered about. There's usually some decent enough loot here - but one of the larger pieces of wreckage will have a safe containing a hard drive. Open the safe and take it. Some can just be opened on the spot - but some others require power delivery (e.g. 60MW) or some components/materials/items to unlock, so its worth bringing a variety of crafting materials with you when exploring - and perhaps even stringing out power lines along the way.
Note, per the achievement's description, you have to find the hard drives in crash sites. Buying from the Awesome Shop doesn't count.
Buy the Golden Nut Statue from the AWESOME Shop.
Buy the Golden Nut Statue from the AWESOME Shop.
This is in the FICSIT Specials section (scroll down!) of the Awesome Shop, and it costs 1,000 coupons.
Bear in mind you can build multiple AWESOME Sinks and dump any and all excess materials into them to grind out the coupons. Manufactured items generate more coupons than raw materials. E.g. crafting Polymer Resin (a byproduct of refining Crude Oil into Fuel) into Fabric will generate many more coupons than just sinking the Resin as-is.
Nevertheless, this is a long grind - even for Satisfactory...