State of Decay 2
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker

State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition 2 editions, view...


A game of mostly objective/grind achievements with nothing really missable in the normal sense of the word. The grind isn't even too bad (the longest will be Others and WightsOthers and Wights for killing 10k zombies). There is coop multiplayer, but you can do all achievments solo or coop - its up to you. But, unless you manipulate saves, 4 playthroughs are necessary to get each of the legacy achievements (Be Still My Dog of WarBe Still My Dog of War, I Am the LawI Am the Law, etc). You could do this in one playthrough by levelling up 4 characters (one of each type) beforehand, saving before electing one as leader and then going through the election, plague heart killing and legacy missions for each character. Some general tips: - carry a can of fuel in the car when driving around - be sure to collect every Plague Sample you find - invest in being able to repair things (i.e. your weapons!) Leader legacies: - Sheriff: Loot received daily - Trader: 4000 influence and a trader visit when you first settle - Builder: Base-wide power+water with no fuel cost or threat - Warlord: large stockpile of weapons/ammo when you first settle


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
JoseDavid GarayS
Guide in progress
30% complete
12 Story, 35 Grind, 44 Objective, 1 All-the-things, 59 Unknown,
3 Missable, 78 Optional, 8 Mutually-exclusive, 1 Soft-missable, 61 Unknown,
2 Multi-player, 76 Anywhere, 73 Unknown,
150 Not glitched, 1 Glitched,
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Collectible checklists
151 achievements

(State of Decay 2) You searched 10 containers.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
You'll likely unlock this during the first/tutorial mission before you even get to a settlement.

(State of Decay 2) You caused a commotion while recklessly searching a container.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Hold the button to search faster when searching a container. This will make more noise - if a zombie hears you and comes running....achievement!

(State of Decay 2) You delivered a rucksack to your Storage facility.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You earned enough standing to promote a recruit to citizen.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You secured 5 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed an infestation.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You built a facility at your base.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
In all bases there'll be the opportunity to construct a facility of some kind - just build one.

(State of Decay 2) You called in a radio command.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed a plague heart.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Marked with a red icon on the map, the first is the easiest and they get progressively harder as you kill more in a territory.

(State of Decay 2) You surveyed 5 sites from high places.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed 100 zombies.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed a horde.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed a feral.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You switched to a new survivor to give someone a chance to rest.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Easy to get; when in your settlement and in control of a character who is fatigued ('zzz' above their head), go into the Community tab and pick a different character to play as for a bit.

(State of Decay 2) You chose a specialization for the Cardio skill.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed a bloater.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You killed 4 screamers.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You chose a specialization for the Wits skill.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You secured 25 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You searched 100 containers.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You recruited a new survivor to join your community.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You destroyed a plague heart at night.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You chose a specialization for the Fighting skill.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You chose a specialization for the Shooting skill.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed a juggernaut.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed 25 hordes.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed 5 plague hearts. Gross.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
They get progressively harder as you kill more, and you'll have to kill all of them in a territory to be able to complete a playthrough. Take fire, explosive and fire. And guns. Melee weaps are not useful here!

(State of Decay 2) You claimed a base in the Providence Ridge map.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches

You finished off a juggernaut with a melee execution.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You transferred a rucksack from a vehicle.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You accepted a bounty from the Bounty Broker.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You surveyed 50 sites from high places.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Look on your map for binocular symbols; these indicate billboards and radio towers. Go to them, climb them, use the aim button to look. you'll see question marks for distant places of interest; stare at them to survey/unlock. You'll need a few towers to get all 50. This is another easy grind :)

(State of Decay 2) You earned enough standing to promote a citizen to hero.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You built 10 facilities at your base over time.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
You'll likely have to be on your third base to get this far - to efficiently progress the rest of the game you won't want to be tearing facilities down and build new ones just to grind this out.

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed 10 infestations.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) One of your survivors met a tragic end.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
One of your people just needs to die. Any one. Just take them out (ideally with an empty backpack so you don't have to go retrieve their stuff), find zombies and let them kill you. Job done.

You killed 1,000 zombies.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You delivered a whopping 50 rucksacks to your Storage facility.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
You have to manually deliver each one to the area marked. Directly transferring from your vehicle's trunk does not count!

(State of Decay 2) You shot the helmet off an armored zombie.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You sold 10 items to enclaves.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You bought 10 items from enclaves.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You earned 1000 Influence from killing freaks.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You destroyed all the plague hearts within your territory.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed 50 zombies with your car door.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You survived to the second wave in a session of Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You killed a blood plague juggernaut.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You claimed a base on the Cascade Hills map.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches
After the tutorial mission you choose a settlement - once you arrive there and claim it the achievement will pop. You'll need to do this in a separate playthrough to Ten Thousand Gallon HatTen Thousand Gallon Hat and Tilting at WindmillsTilting at Windmills

You settled your community in Meagher Valley.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches
After the tutorial mission you choose a settlement - once you arrive there and claim it the achievement will pop. You'll need to do this in a separate playthrough to Ten Thousand Gallon HatTen Thousand Gallon Hat and Dam Fine TerritoryDam Fine Territory

You made allies out of 5 enclaves.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You claimed a base on the Drucker County map.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches

After the tutorial mission you choose a settlement - once you arrive there and claim it the achievement will pop. You'll need to do this in a separate playthrough to Dam Fine TerritoryDam Fine Territory and Tilting at WindmillsTilting at Windmills

You elected a sheriff to lead your community.

Story Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
See Mediocre!Mediocre!

You created an apocalypse vehicle.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You survived to the fourth wave in a session of Daybreak.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

You elected a warlord to lead your community.

Story Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
Each character, in their bio, has a leadership path of a certain type. Pick a character with Warlord as the type and level them up to Hero (by playing as the character). Once they are Hero, you can promote them to Leader of the settlement.

(DLC Daybreak) You allowed the technician to die during a session of Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You elected a builder to lead your community.

Story Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
See Mediocre!Mediocre!

You completed 5 bounties for the Bounty Broker.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You recruited Malik into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You earned a total of 500 Prestige playing Daybreak.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You reached the third wave in a session of Daybreak without the technician taking damage.

Objective Soft-missable Unknown No glitches

You destroyed a plague heart with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You elected a trader to lead your community.

Story Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

See Mediocre!Mediocre!

You unlocked an outfit by completing a bounty from the Bounty Broker.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You shot off a flare (or volunteered to help someone who did).

Objective Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You called in 25 radio commands.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You survived 7 total zombie waves in Daybreak.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

You had a survivor within your community die while minimum difficulty was set to Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You started a new community with survivors from a completed one.

Objective Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You repaired a wall 12 times in Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You began a session with minimum difficulty set to Dread.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You built a Sniper Tower.

Objective Missable Single or multi-player No glitches
This is a leader facility for a Builder leader, i.e. you need Can We Fix It? Yes We Can!Can We Fix It? Yes We Can! first. You can then build the Sniper Tower if you have a Large plot in your base.

(DLC Daybreak) You survived to the sixth wave in a session of Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You played Heartland in multiplayer as the host or client.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You claimed a landmark outpost.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Since update 25, there is exactly one landmark outpost on each map.  it has a distinct icon.  It might be within a plague heart territory (so you'll need to clear that first).  Clear and then claim the landmark to pop the achievement.

You built a Field Hospital.

Objective Missable Single or multi-player No glitches
This is a leader facility for a Sheriff leader, i.e. you need Nice Moves ThereNice Moves There first. You can then build the Field Hospital if you have a Large plot in your base.

You played with another human being with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You opened 0b1111 CLEO Drops.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You played Daybreak as host with another human being.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You built a Trade Depot.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You achieved victory in a session of Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You began a session with minimum difficulty set to Nightmare.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Just start the game with difficulty set to Nightmare.

You destroyed an XL Horde (with two screamers and a feral) at minimum Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You fully upgraded a resource outpost.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

Some outposts are upgradable now (since an update).  Upgrade one to the highest level - this will need 2,800+ influence.

You built an Armory.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You achieved victory in a session of Daybreak without suffering any player deaths.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You killed 50 plague zombies with crossbows.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You had three survivors within your community die while minimum difficulty was at Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You recruited Keesha into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You began a session with minimum difficulty set to Lethal.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You left a legacy as a builder.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches
Same as I Am the LawI Am the Law but with a builder elected as leader.

(DLC Heartland) You destroyed a plague wall in Heartland.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

You left a legacy as a sheriff.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches
After electing a sheriff (see Nice Moves ThereNice Moves There), kill any remaining plague hearts in your territory and new quests for the sheriff should unlock; complete these to leave your legacy! Note must be done in a separate playthrough to the other legacy achievements.

You extracted 20 plague samples from plague juggernauts with minimum difficulty at Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You left a legacy as a warlord.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches
Same as I Am the LawI Am the Law but with a warlord elected as leader.

(State of Decay 2) You killed 25 blood plague bloaters.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You allowed 24 bags of dropped items to accumulate on the ground.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You recruited Captain Logan into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You completed 25 bounties for the Bounty Broker.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You earned a total of 5000 Prestige playing Daybreak.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You killed 10,000 zombies.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You left a legacy as a trader.

Story Mutually-exclusive Single or multi-player No glitches
Same as I Am the LawI Am the Law but with a trader elected as leader.

(DLC Heartland) You killed 25 plague screamers in Heartland.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You recruited Chavez into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You destroyed 100 hordes with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You recruited IzzBee into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You crafted a case of bulk plague cure with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You built a CLEO Relay facility in your home community.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You have to unlock the "CLEO Core" in Daybreak in order to be able to build this facility in your regular story-mode base.

Building the CLEO Relay in Heartland doesn't count.

(DLC Heartland) You recruited Vic into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You recruited a Red Talon contractor to your community four times.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You survived 49 total zombie waves in Daybreak.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You used a training manual to retrain a specialization.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed a plague heart with minimum difficulty set to Lethal.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You completed Heartland with both starting survivors alive.

Objective Missable Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You recruited Diana into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You reached the sixth wave in a session of Daybreak in single player.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You completed Heartland while playing alone.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You achieved victory in a session of Daybreak without any wall sections being leveled.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You reached the fifth wave in a session of Daybreak without any player using explosives.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You killed one each of the four blood plague freaks with minimum difficulty set to Lethal.

Do-all-the-things Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You killed all plague hearts on the map with minimum difficulty set to Nightmare or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You recruited Brock into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You killed 25 blood ferals in Heartland.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You recruited Reba into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You recruited Isaac into your Heartland community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You killed 3 zombies in 3 seconds with a revolver while wearing a cowboy hat.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You claimed 3 landmark outposts.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Completed a legacy arc with minimum difficulty set to Nightmare or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You contracted blood plague from a plague consumable.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You reached maximum morale with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You killed 10 or more enemies with a single plague buster.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You reached the fourth wave in a session of Daybreak without any player using guns.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You recruited 8 different survivors in a single game of Heartland.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You completed Heartland as the host or client in multiplayer.

Objective Optional Multi-player No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You healed the technician 12 times in Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You hit top speed while driving a Road Racer and wearing a puffy vest.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You failed during the first wave in a session of Daybreak.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You used the Vehicle Depot to craft and use all three vehicle upgrade kits.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown Glitched

Has to be done in Heartland.

Sometimes does not unlock :/

You completed the legacies for all four leader types with minimum difficulty set to dread or harder.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You opened 0b11111111 CLEO Drops.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

You killed a screamer with a CLEO heavy sniper rifle.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You found all six different Echo Labs guns in Heartland during a single playthrough as the host.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You killed 25 blood plague juggernauts in Heartland.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You built all four Red Talon facilities in your home community.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You achieved victory in a session of Daybreak after collecting 25 CLEO drops.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Daybreak) You survived 343 total zombie waves in Daybreak.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You used the Weapons Depot to craft all four of the Network weapons in Heartland.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You completed 10 CLEO sieges using the CLEO relay in Heartland.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

(State of Decay 2) You survived 100 days with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You used plague cure on your own survivor 100 times in Heartland.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You destroyed 20 plague walls in Heartland.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

(DLC Heartland) You used plague cure on another survivor 100 times in Heartland.

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches