1993 Space Machine
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



most of the Achievements for this game are really hard.


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Guide in progress
89% complete
5 Story, 4 Grind, 1 Objective, 1 Unknown,
3 Unmissable, 4 Missable, 2 Optional, 2 Unknown,
10 Anywhere, 1 Unknown,
4 Not glitched, 6 Glitched, 1 Unobtainable,
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
11 achievements

Finish a level with one life.

Story Ummissable Single or multi-player No glitches

You will eventually get it simply by playing the game.

Defeat Nestor in less than 3 minutes.

Story Ummissable Single or multi-player No glitches

Defeating Nestor under 3 minutes should be pretty easy

Defeat Nestor without using the Megablast weapon.

Story Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

I did not even know about MEgablast when fighting him, so it should be easy

Own 4 fully upgraded weapons.

Grind Missability unknown Single or multi-player No glitches

Just Upgrade your Favorite weapons

Take no hits on any level.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player Glitched

This one is really tricky, I am not sure if Shield Counts, since you only get it if you Alt-F4 out of the game after the level. Took plenty of tries to get it, but in the end I am not sure what unlocked it

Absorb 1000 bullets with your shield.

Grind Ummissable Single or multi-player Glitched

This seems pretty glitched too, it did not count the bullets absorbed, but it did unlock at some point when I exited the game.

Be careful when playing with fire.

Grind Missable Single or multi-player Glitched

Not sure which weapon did it, but it did unlock after exiting the game.

Find the hidden levels.

Unknown kind Missability unknown Unknown Unobtainable

This Achivment has been removed

Die exactly 42 times during the whole game.

Story Missable Single or multi-player Glitched

If you alt-F4 when you have 42 Deaths, the Achivment should Unlock

Defeat the malfunctioning Space Machine.

Story Missable Single or multi-player Glitched

I do not know what triggered this Achivment, since I did not manage to finish the Omega level.

Kill no enemies except bosses.

Objective Missable Single or multi-player Glitched

Just keep trying to dodge everything, if you die you can still use checkpoints, this one took alot of time, Crashing into enemies also kills them and fails the achivment.