Batman: Arkham City GOTY
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker

Batman: Arkham City™ 2 editions, view...



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Guide contributors
Guide in progress
31% complete
21 Story, 20 Grind, 23 Objective,
21 Unmissable, 43 Optional,
64 Single-player,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
64 achievements

(Campaign) Become the Bat

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Save the damsel, but is she in distress?

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Save the medical volunteers

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) There is only one way in

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Hammer the point home

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Drop in on an old friend

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Clear the airwaves

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Last man standing

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Stop the unstoppable

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Uncover the secret of Arkham City

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) We are legion

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) A deadly game of hide and seek

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Side Missions) Solve the first riddle

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Campaign) Fight for survival

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Steal the score of a lifetime

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) Don't look down

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Campaign) All the world is a stage

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Side Missions) Time is running out

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Rescue the first hostage from Riddler

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Harley Quinn's Revenge) No crimefighter should be without this

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Side Missions) Destroy it all

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Reunite the separated couple

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Stop the phone booth killer

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Harley Quinn's Revenge) Find a way into the secret base

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Harley Quinn's Revenge) Clean up the Dry Docks

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Side Missions) Rescue the second hostage from Riddler

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Harley Quinn's Revenge) The joke's on who?

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Side Missions) Stop the contract operative

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Complete all augmented reality training exercises

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Reveal the mystery watcher

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Campaign) Retrieve your stolen goods

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

(Side Missions) Rescue the third hostage from Riddler

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Track down the serial killer

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) Collect all of Batman's gadgets and upgrades

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Use 5 different Quickfire gadgets in one fight (any play mode)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Stop all assaults in Arkham City

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Rescue the fourth hostage from Riddler

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Complete one combat challenge without taking damage (any character)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Rescue the fifth hostage from Riddler

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Zip Kick 5 different thugs

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Defuse all bombs in 3 minutes or less

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Side Missions) Rescue all the hostages from Riddler

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Shield Bash 5 different thugs

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) A moment of remembrance

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) Complete all 40 of the Catwoman Riddler grid items

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 24 medals on the original Arkham City ranked maps (as Batman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) Complete New Game Plus

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Use 5 different Quickfire gadgets in one fight as Robin in Harley Quinn's Revenge

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 48 medals on the original Arkham City ranked maps (as Batman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Snap Flash an unarmed thug, an armed thug, an environmental object and a Titan

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) Have 12 murderous dates with Calendar Man

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) Destroy all Harley Balloons

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 36 medals on the original Arkham City campaigns (as Batman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain all 72 medals on the original Arkham City ranked maps (as Batman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 72 medals on the original Arkham City campaigns (as Batman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain all 108 medals on the original Arkham City campaigns (as Batman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Perform a perfect combo including all of Batman's combat moves (any play mode)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Misc.) Complete every challenge in Arkham City - Main Story, Side Missions, Upgrades, Collectables, New Game Plus and Riddlers Revenge (as Batman)

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain all 72 medals on the original Arkham City ranked maps (as Catwoman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 78 medals on the original Arkham City and Nightwing Bundle Pack ranked maps (as Nightwing)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 78 medals on the original Arkham City and Robin Bundle Pack ranked maps (as Robin)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain all 108 medals on the original Arkham City campaigns (as Catwoman)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 114 medals on the original Arkham City and Nightwing Bundle Pack campaigns (as Nightwing)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches

(Combat) Obtain 114 medals on the original Arkham City and Robin Bundle Pack campaigns (as Robin)

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches