Overcooked! 2
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



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Guide in progress
54% complete
1 Story, 35 Grind, 13 Objective, 5 All-the-things,
1 Unmissable, 53 Optional,
4 Multi-player, 49 Anywhere, 1 Unknown,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
54 achievements

Complete the tutorial level

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Start the tutorial level...  ...and finish it.  yeah its easy.

Complete a level by doing all the recipes in order

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

This is pretty easy; it basically just means to deliver the food orders consecutively in the same order as they appear in the queue on the top left of your screen.

You'll get this on story level 1-2 (the second level); because there's only one kind of dish!

Extinguish a burning kitchen

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You will end up with the kitchen on fire at some point.  You just will.  When this happens, grab the extinguisher and put the fire out.  w00t!

If this somehow doesn't happen naturally (lucky you!) then just start any level and leave the food on the stove too long...

Use every emote

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

There are only 6 and you can see them all in the menu - do them all!

(Base game) Get 3 stars on every level in World 1

Grind Optional Unknown No glitches

Go through portals 75 times

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Get 3 stars on every level in World 2

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Get 3 stars on every level in World 3

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Throw 500 items

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Hit all the switches on the world map

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

As you go through the story, there's various ramps on the map you need to go over to get to the different levels.  There are switches near those ramps; drive over them to activate.

You should get the achievement after level 6-1.

Don't forget the one for the bonus level "Kevin-1" too!

(Base game) Complete the main story campaign

Story Ummissable Single or multi-player No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Get 3 stars on every level in World 4

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Deliver every type of meal in the game

Do-all-the-things Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Chop 800 items

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Get 3 stars on every level in World 5

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Get 3 stars on every level in World 6

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Throw 100 ingredients into a cooking pot

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Throwing is new in this sequel.  Line up with a pot and throw (square).

You have to deliberately actually throw (not just 'put') - so you'll need to deliberately do this, but it is pretty easy to grind out just as you play.

Wash 300 plates

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Deliver 1000 Meals

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Finish 15 Arcade games

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

Select Arcade mode from the main menu.  You can grind this out solo with a 2nd controller if you need to.  You don't need to win, just finish each game.

(Base game) Unlock all the chefs

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

You get the chefs automatically through completing story levels - and you only need the one star to complete it for this.

However you'll also need to do four of the bonus levels too; Kevin 1, Kevin 3, Kevin 5 and Kevin 7.

Once you've done all those then you're done here!

(Base game) Catch 250 items

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

You're unlikely to get this naturally playing through the game.  Easiest to grind out with 2 characters facing each other.  Just throw something back and forth...

(Base game) Get 3 stars on all hidden levels

Do-all-the-things Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

There are 8 hidden levels to unlock - you have to achieve specific objectives in the other levels to unlock each hidden level.  Once done, then get 3 stars in each hidden level...

Finish 15 versus games

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

(Base game) Win 10 games in versus mode

Grind Optional Multi-player No glitches

You can grind this solo with a 2nd controller...

(Base game) Put 99 items in the bin

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

There's a bin in every level.  Put stuff in it!

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Deliver every type of meal in Surf 'n' Turf

Do-all-the-things Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Deliver every type of meal in Campfire Cook Off

Do-all-the-things Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Get 3 stars on every level in Surf 'n' Turf World 1

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Get 3 stars on every level in Surf 'n' Turf World 2

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Deliver every type of meal in Carnival of Chaos

Do-all-the-things Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Use the Bellows on BBQs 500 times

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

There'll be bellows for the bbq on any level where you have to make kebabs.  stand next to it and press square.  500 times.  It won't take as long as this sounds as you'll need to press multiple times each time you use it anyway.   It'll probably come naturally on the way to 3 stars on each level.

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Fire a Chef from a Cannon 100 times

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Note you must be player 1 for this to unlock. 

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Get 3 stars on every level in Surf 'n' Turf World 3

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Get 3 stars on every level in Campfire Cook Off World 1

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Get 3 stars on every level in Carnival of Chaos World 1

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Get 3 stars on all Surf 'n' Turf levels

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Get 3 stars on every level in Carnival of Chaos World 2

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Get 3 stars on every level in Campfire Cook Off World 2

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Take 500 items from a backpack

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

Some levels have backpacks instead of ingredient boxes - so you'll be taking ingredients from them instead.  Do it 500 times.  You can replay these levels if you need to.

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Add mustard or ketchup to a recipe 100 times

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Get 3 stars on every level in Campfire Cook Off World 3

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Get 3 stars on every level in Night of the Hangry Horde World 2

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Get 3 stars on every level in Night of the Hangry Horde World 1

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Get 3 stars on all Campfire Cook Off levels

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Campfire cookoff) Burn 300 pieces of wood

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

In some levels you'll be cooking on a campfire.  You'll need to be chopping wood to put on the fire.  Yup 300 times.

Note you must be player 1 for this achievement to build and unlock!

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Get 3 stars on every level in Carnival of Chaos World 3

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Carnival of chaos) Get 3 stars on all Carnival of Chaos levels

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Surf'n'turf) Wash 150 dirty plates or glasses with the water gun

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

On some levels there's no sink - instead you must grab the water gun and squirt them instead.  A lot.  But its fun.   You can replay level 2-1 to grind this out if needed.

As with many similar achievements in this game, you must be player 1 for this to accumulate and unlock.

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Get 3 stars on every level in Night of the Hangry Horde World 3

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Get 3 stars on all Night of the Hangry Horde levels with a star rating

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Survive all horde stages in Night of the Hangry Horde with full kitchen health

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Chop 500 ingredients using the guillotine

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches

(DLC Night of the hangry horde) Burn 300 buckets of coal in the furnace

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches