Perform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slot
Perform 33 Unique Glory Kills in a single save slot
You'll get this pretty early on, in the first or second mission. Damaged enemies will flash blue or orange then you can press R3 (on a controller, different on a keyboard) to execute a glory kill. There's multiple glory kill types for each kind of enemy so this is pretty easy to get...
Complete Hell on Earth
Complete Hell on Earth
Upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo
Upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo
You actually can't avoid doing this, very early on in the game...
Kill 666 Demons (excluding Player Demons and Wolves)
Kill 666 Demons (excluding Player Demons and Wolves)
Complete a Slayer Gate
Complete a Slayer Gate
Kill the Doom Hunters
Kill the Doom Hunters
Complete a Praetor Suit Perk category in a single save slot
Complete a Praetor Suit Perk category in a single save slot
Blow a hole in Mars
Blow a hole in Mars
Best the Gladiator in the coliseum
Best the Gladiator in the coliseum
Spend 8 Sentinel Batteries in the Fortress of Doom in a single save slot
Spend 8 Sentinel Batteries in the Fortress of Doom in a single save slot
There are 27 of these collectibles in total, which is more than you can use in total in the Fortress of Doom - and way more than you need for this achievement.
Pick up 20 Extra Lives Total in a single save slot
Pick up 20 Extra Lives Total in a single save slot
Must be done in Extra Life Mode. This is a cumulative total - you don't need 20 in your possession at the same time.
This can be farmed in mission 2 (Exultia) - at the very start drop down the left in front of you and there's an extra life there. Quit to main menu -> Mission Select -> restart mission -> rinse & repeat. NB you must have already completed mission 2 for this to be available.
Acquire a new Crucible in Taras Nabad
Acquire a new Crucible in Taras Nabad
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo in a single save slot
Fully upgrade Health, Armor, or Ammo in a single save slot
Kill the Khan Maykr
Kill the Khan Maykr
Kill the Icon of Sin
Kill the Icon of Sin
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty
Complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot
Complete all Slayer Gates in a single save slot
Purchase all Praetor Suit Perks in a single save slot
Purchase all Praetor Suit Perks in a single save slot
Acquire the Unmaykr
Acquire the Unmaykr
You can get this in the Fortress of Doom after having completed all 6 slayer gates during the mission to get the keys; then use the keys on the cage at the back of the fortress and pick up this awesome weapon.
Complete the UAC Atlantica Facility (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete the UAC Atlantica Facility (Ancient Gods 1)
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot
Complete the album collection in a single save slot
Complete the album collection in a single save slot
Complete the cheat code collection in a single save slot
Complete the cheat code collection in a single save slot
Destroy the Life Sphere in the Blood Swamps (Ancient Gods 1)
Destroy the Life Sphere in the Blood Swamps (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete the toy collection in a single save slot
Complete the toy collection in a single save slot
Defeat Samur in the Holt (Ancient Gods 1)
Defeat Samur in the Holt (Ancient Gods 1)
Beat all encounters and Mission Challenges, and find all Items in Taras Nabad in a single save slot
Beat all encounters and Mission Challenges, and find all Items in Taras Nabad in a single save slot
Beat all encounters and Mission Challenges, and find all Items in Taras Nabad in a single save slot.
Complete World Spear (Ancient Gods 2)
Complete World Spear (Ancient Gods 2)
Complete Reclaimed Earth (Ancient Gods 2)
Complete Reclaimed Earth (Ancient Gods 2)
Acquire all Sentinel Hammer upgrades (Ancient Gods 2)
Acquire all Sentinel Hammer upgrades (Ancient Gods 2)
Complete Immora (Ancient Gods 2)
Complete Immora (Ancient Gods 2)
Kill the Dark Lord (Ancient Gods 2)
Kill the Dark Lord (Ancient Gods 2)
Master all Weapon Mods in a single save slot
Master all Weapon Mods in a single save slot
Acquire all Support Runes in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)
Acquire all Support Runes in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete the first Horde Mode Mission
Complete the first Horde Mode Mission
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 2)
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 2)
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)
Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete all Secret Encounters in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete all Secret Encounters in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete a Mission with only the Famine Mode cheat on
Complete a Mission with only the Famine Mode cheat on
Famine mode can be obtained in mission 10. After this mission, use mission select and the cheat menu to enable this cheat- then complete a mission.
This cheat makes enemies not drop any health/armor. They only drop ammo when killed with a chainsaw. Hell on Earth is probably the easiest level to do this on.
Note you cannot get this in Extra Life mode.
Re-collect all of the weapons on the Weapon Wheel
Re-collect all of the weapons on the Weapon Wheel
Beat Horde Mode
Beat Horde Mode
Do 5000 damage as a Player Demon in BATTLEMODE
Do 5000 damage as a Player Demon in BATTLEMODE
Complete Extra Life Mode with 10 Extra Lives in your Inventory
Complete Extra Life Mode with 10 Extra Lives in your Inventory
Ofc you need to start the game in Extra Life Mode to get this. Make sure you don't die too much... (there are enough extra lives around that you can die a few times though).
This is recommended for a 2nd separate playthrough on the easiest difficulty - although you can do everything all in one run if you really want to.
Play as 5 different Player Demons in BATTLEMODE
Play as 5 different Player Demons in BATTLEMODE
Play 25 BATTLEMODE matches
Play 25 BATTLEMODE matches
Complete Extra Life Mode with 5 Extra Lives in your Inventory (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete Extra Life Mode with 5 Extra Lives in your Inventory (Ancient Gods 1)
Complete Extra Life Mode with 5 Extra Lives in your Inventory (Ancient Gods 2)
Complete Extra Life Mode with 5 Extra Lives in your Inventory (Ancient Gods 2)
Kill 200 opponents in BATTLEMODE
Kill 200 opponents in BATTLEMODE
Heal yourself or your teammate for 50000 health in BATTLEMODE
Heal yourself or your teammate for 50000 health in BATTLEMODE
Kill a Player Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in BATTLEMODE
Kill a Player Demon with each of the 8 Slayer weapons in BATTLEMODE