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Guide in progress
97% complete
12 Story, 6 Grind, 4 Objective, 6 All-the-things,
6 Unmissable, 4 Missable, 18 Optional,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
28 achievements

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Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

You discovered the truth about Terra and her hidden power.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

You witnessed the World of Ruin event.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Do-all-the-things Missable No glitches
This requires you to open up 80% of all treasure chests in the game. As there areas you can only visit once, you should always check every deadend and look for hidden passages, or use a guide.

You found and befriended Relm.

Story Optional No glitches
This is for the second time you recruit her, in the World of Ruin.

You found and befriended Mog.

Story Optional No glitches
This is for the second time you recruit him, in the World of Ruin.

You found and befriended Locke.

Story Optional No glitches
This is for the second time you recruit him, in the World of Ruin.

You found and befriended Umaro.

Story Optional No glitches

You found and befriended Gogo.

Story Optional No glitches

You learned all of Cyan's "Bushido" commands.

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches
Oblivion can be learned at Level 70 or by visiting Doma Castle in the World of Ruins with Cyan and completing his subquest there.

You learned all of Sabin's "Blitz" commands.

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches
The last Blitz, Phantom Rush, can be unlocked by either reaching Level 70 with Sabin or visiting Duncan's Cabin in the World of Ruins with him in the party.

Objective Optional No glitches
You need to defeat Deathgaze, an invisible flying encounter in the sky, using the Falcon airship. It flees from time to time, making it necessary to find and fight it again. The damage you deal will carry over to the next battle(s). It drops the Esper Bahamut afterwards.

You brought all the characters together.

Story Optional No glitches
This unlocks once you recruited every possible character in the World of Ruins, getting the respective character achievements along the way.

Story Ummissable No glitches
Finish the game!

Grind Optional No glitches
The Slagworms and Cactuars in desert near Maranda are a good way to farm the necessary 1.000.000 Gil, as they drop 10.000 each. You can also save, sell all your stuff and reload once you have the achievement.

You got all of Edgar's Tools.

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches

Grind Optional No glitches
You need to win 10 times at the Coliseum. This is done by betting (and therefore losing) an item. After winning the encounter you get another one, including some of the strongest and rarest items in the game! The encounter and the result depend on what item you bet.

You had all of Shadow's dreams.

Story Missable No glitches
Shadow needs to survive for this. Once recruited in the World of Ruins, sleep with him in the party at any inn. It gives you a chance of seeing one of his dreams. You need to see all 4 of them.

You matched all the symbols on Setzer's "Slots."

Grind Optional No glitches
Use Auto-Battle to get the Slots, as you cannot change the outcome of the pre-determined slots. Save every time, as one Slot kills your entire party.

Objective Optional No glitches
You need to clear the Dragon's Den, an optional dungeon located on a small island north-west of the Coliseum. To enter it, you need to defeat 8 dragons first.

Do-all-the-things Optional No glitches
You need to collect all 31 Espers in the game.

You learned all of Strago's "Lore" commands.

Grind Missable No glitches

Strago is the blue mage of FF VI. He needs to get hit by the attack while alive. He does not need to survive the battle. I don't know how to fix it but Aqua Breath is miss spelt.

Objective Optional No glitches
First, defeat Kaiser Dragon at the end of Dragon's Den. Return all the way back to the same place, to find Omega Weapon. Defeat it!

Objective Optional No glitches
You need to complete Dragon's Den first. Afterwards you need to find the large island west of Mobilz. The Soul Shrine consists of 128 waves of monsters - quicksaving between each wave is recommended!

You learned all of Gau's "Rage" commands.

Grind Missable No glitches

You discovered all of the hidden "Blitz" commands.

Grind Optional No glitches
This refers to the desperation attacks of all 12 characters, a hidden mechanic in the game. Once a character is in critical health (yellow HP) and uses their default attack, there is a chance to use the desperation attack instead.

You unlocked all achievements.

Do-all-the-things Ummissable No glitches