interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker




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Guide in progress
67% complete
9 Story, 7 Grind, 3 Objective, 4 Unknown,
6 Unmissable, 3 Missable, 8 Optional, 6 Unknown,
21 Not glitched, 2 Glitched,
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
22 achievements

It only hurts the first time.

Objective Optional No glitches

I can do this!

Objective Missable No glitches
Collect all the plants on the first mission.

Arrr! Underwater chests with gold!

Objective Missable No glitches
When you're pushing the boulder down, it'll roll over a chest - hover over it and use it and the achievement will unlock shortly thereafter.

Story Ummissable No glitches
Complete mission 5.

You just can’t live without it, can you?

Grind Optional No glitches
Keep picking up oxygen. Progress against this isn't lost when you die - so you can farm the same canister (pickup->die->repeat) if helpful.

You can do this!

Grind Optional No glitches
Even just at the start this is quick; float to the top 10 times. Or just let it happen as you play through the game. Or see 1000th death!?1000th death!?

Keep calm and get the power.

Grind Optional No glitches
Pick up dynamite, lots of them (well, 15 or so).

Mine mineminemine!

Grind Optional No glitches
Get (and be successful in opening) 10 treasure.

Story Ummissable No glitches
Wow = Complete mission 10. Wow! = Complete mission 27. They don't seem to be named consistently across platforms; on Steam,. both are named "Wow". On Xbox, "Wow" is for #10, "Wow!" is for #27

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Grind Optional No glitches
Collect (and be successful in opening) 25 treasures.

It could’ve happened to anyone…

Grind Optional No glitches

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

You have a serious problem.

Unknown kind Missability unknown No glitches

Story Ummissable No glitches
In mission 3, get the dynamite from the bottom of the map and then go back right up to the top and blow up both of the 'weak walls'.

Story Ummissable No glitches
Complete mission 23.

Story Ummissable No glitches
Complete mission 29.

Grind Optional No glitches
Easy to afk in level 19; let the acid wave kill you - you will reload automatically. Sit back and watch the deaths count up...

Not quite what you expected?

Story Missability unknown No glitches

Story Missability unknown Glitched
Apparently not

You completed the game without dying!?

Story Missable Glitched
Not present on console versions at all - and reports of it being bugged on Steam also.