Forza Motorsport 6: Apex (Beta)
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker




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Complete guide
2 Story, 8 Grind, 14 Objective,
2 Unmissable, 22 Optional,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
24 achievements

Complete your first race.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Visit the Forza Hub app from Forza Motorsport 6: Apex.

Objective Optional No glitches

Complete all races in the Showcase Tour.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Lead for a total of 50 miles.

Grind Optional No glitches

Complete 30 bonus objectives.

Grind Optional No glitches
The bonus objectives are the three extra gold discs you can get for making sure you do certain other things during the race (e.g. win by 300ft, make 6 Perfect Passes, etc)

Finish 1st using the suggested line off in cockpit or hood camera.

Objective Optional No glitches

Complete 5 Spotlight Series events.

Grind Optional No glitches

Lead for a total of 100 miles.

Grind Optional No glitches

Earn 50 medals.

Grind Optional No glitches

Earn platinum medals in one event.

Objective Optional No glitches
Get lots and lots of Race Points! The threshold for platinum is displayed in the post-race screen where the points are awarded.

Complete 60 bonus objectives.

Grind Optional No glitches

Test drive any car.

Objective Optional No glitches

Share a photo.

Objective Optional No glitches

Win a race in a 2017 Ford GT in Free Play with maximum opponent cars.

Objective Optional No glitches

Go faster than 200 mph in any car.

Objective Optional No glitches

Equip a silver level badge.

Objective Optional No glitches
Badges are in the driver profile area, you have to manually equip them. Badges unlock from Bronze->Silver->Gold->etc naturally as you continue to race and do various things while racing (e.g. pass other cars, perfect corners, etc). Technically you have to grind to unlock the badge level, but then consciously go into profile to equip it. It will take some time, but soon you will have badges of increasing levels available to be equipped.

Equip a bronze level badge.

Objective Optional No glitches
Badges are in the driver profile area, you have to manually equip them. Badges unlock from Bronze->Silver->Gold->etc naturally as you continue to race and do various things while racing (e.g. pass other cars, perfect corners, etc). Technically you have to grind to unlock the badge level, but then consciously go into profile to equip it. It will take some time, but soon you will have badges of increasing levels available to be equipped.

Win a race in a 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 302 in Free Play with maximum opponent cars.

Objective Optional No glitches

Win a race in a 2013 Ariel Atom in Free Play with maximum opponent cars.

Objective Optional No glitches

Equip a gold level badge.

Objective Optional No glitches
Badges are in the driver profile area, you have to manually equip them. Badges unlock from Bronze->Silver->Gold->etc naturally as you continue to race and do various things while racing (e.g. pass other cars, perfect corners, etc). Technically you have to grind to unlock the badge level, but then consciously go into profile to equip it. It will take some time, but soon you will have badges of increasing levels available to be equipped.

Equip a platinum level badge.

Objective Optional No glitches
Badges are in the driver profile area, you have to manually equip them. Badges unlock from Bronze->Silver->Gold->etc naturally as you continue to race and do various things while racing (e.g. pass other cars, perfect corners, etc). Technically you have to grind to unlock the badge level, but then consciously go into profile to equip it. It will take some time, but soon you will have badges of increasing levels available to be equipped.

Complete a race in the 2014 Lamborghini Huracán on Spa in the rain.

Objective Optional No glitches

Earn 50,000,000 race points.

Grind Optional No glitches

Earn platinum medals in 10 events.

Grind Optional No glitches