A monstrous masterpiece of an RPG, and a most excellent sequel to the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
It has a similar set of achievements; and typically quite a few are both complex and missable.
You can save, and there are saves at the beginning of each chapter as well, but be careful and try to get each achievement as the opportunity arises to avoid having to replay/save-scum too much.
The first few hours of the game are a guided process, until the open world fully opens up as you start the 5th main quest ("Wedding Crashers"). Up until this point there's not too much to worry about except beating Capon in practise for Déjà Vu.
Through your whole playthrough, don't kill or eat any animals for Lent and make sure to do every side quest as soon as they become available for
Been There Done That. These are the big ones that could cost a whole playthrough if missed.
Then, most of the missables either need completion in a specific portion of the story - or need to be completed before the story progresses on too far.
Below are the main points, in main quest order, where there are missables to deal with. Keep an eye on your story mission progress and make sure to tick off each one as you progress:
There is free roam after story completion, so any remaining objectives and grinds can be progressed then as well, like Jack of All Trades or
My Shoes!.
You defeated Capon during practice. Again.
You defeated Capon during practice. Again.
This happens very early in the game, when you first make camp. Capon will invite you to practise in the small fenced off area, and he'll remind you of the moves/techniques. Then you have a practise battle.
You must beat him - if you don't then there won't be another opportunity. You won't be able to manually save at this point in the story - but the game will have autosaved for you. Make sure to use the techniques he just taught you, especially riposte, and if you fail then reload the save. You can't feed your dog afterwards if you skip that bit, but it doesn't matter.
You found Pebbles.
You found Pebbles.
Pebbles is your horse, and it gets taken from you early in the game. You can retrieve it anytime after reaching open world gameplay (5th main quest). Pebbles is South-West of Troskoitz, in Semine - at the horse trader. Interact with Pebbles first, then talk with the trader to get it back.
Don't steal your horse back!
Complete the side quest "Mutt", which can be started near Bozhena's Meadow after you've reached the open world by reaching main quest 5 ("Wedding Crashers").
You killed an enemy with a combo.
You killed an enemy with a combo.
A combo is a strike where you get multiple hits on the enemy, with melee weapons only. Each weapon is different, and there are lots of different combos which can be pretty effective. The easiest is a straight left/right/left when attacking.
But, this is easily done - even by accident with no idea what you're doing - in the first battle in the intro sequence, just hack away at the enemies attacking the castle and you'll likely unlock it just by chance sooner or later.
You rewarded the herbwoman for her help as promised.
You rewarded the herbwoman for her help as promised.
In the 3rd main quest ("Fortuna"), in the woods a woman will help you recover from your injuries.
Go back to her later in the game (anytime after opening the open world) and repay your debt of 150 Groschen.
You won three skirmishes while bleeding.
You won three skirmishes while bleeding.
This can be progressed anytime throughout your playthrough or after the story. You'll end up bleeding in combat soon enough anyway (or, if you're that good, just let the enemy get a few hits in until you start bleeding).
A red blood icon will be near your health bar when you're bleeding.
Then continue to win the battle. You can heal during combat, but not with bandages as they will stop any bleeding.
This is to break an enemy's shield - for which you'll want a weapon with high blunt damage; like a War Hammer.
Then, you'll want an enemy with a shield (who knew!). Keep bashing at the shield until it breaks - whilst trying not to actually kill the enemy.
You have successfully completed every mini-game.
You have successfully completed every mini-game.
Alchemy and Blacksmithing will be done automatically through completion of main story quests 3 and 6 respectively. The rest you can do anytime through the game.
You killed an enemy with a boulder dropped from the battlements. Karl would be proud!
You killed an enemy with a boulder dropped from the battlements. Karl would be proud!
This must be done either in main quest 11 ("The Finger of God"), or in main quest #27 ("So it begins...") - arguably its easier to do in #27.
You won a gold badge in a game of dice.
You won a gold badge in a game of dice.
You have to already have a gold badge for this; so that you can play for winning/losing a gold badge. They can be bought from various innkeepers around the game, and it doesn't matter what kind of badge.
Once you have one, approach a dice table and select to play with a badge. You'll need 300 Groschen to buy in to the game. Not all opponents are able/willing to play for a badge, so if you can't find somebody then just keep coming back to try again (or skip time).
You must play at Emperor level to unlock the achievement - and it helps to have better dice for this to make the game easier. You may come across some on your travels, or you can buy from innkeepers, or steal them from other dice players!
You beat the best brawler around.
You beat the best brawler around.
From the 5th main quest ("Wedding Crashers") onwards, you can access the side quest line for this; starting with "Melee at the Mill", which you can begin at Lower Semine Mill. You'll also then need to complete the subsequent side quests "Wine, Women and Blood" and then "The Best for Last".
After you beat the last one, the achievement will unlock.
Lockpick a lock that is of "Very Hard" difficulty. You'll need a high Thievery level for this, and you can also use side skills (e.g. Mischief Artist) or potions (e.g. Strong Quickfinger) to make it easier.
You spent ten thousand groschen.
You spent ten thousand groschen.
This is to spend 10,000 in total across your whole playthrough. Buy anything/everything to get the total up - once you've made some money of course.
You can re-sell bought items, and use whatever cash you get back from that to buy more things; this still counts to increase your total spent to get to 10,000 total. (i.e. you can achieve this with a bit less than 10k, just by re-selling and re-buying - at the cost of quite a lot of lost cash and stuff, of course).
Somebody has to steal your shoes whilst you are drunk.
This is easiest if shoes are the only thing you're wearing (i.e. take everything else off) - and then get drunk. Really drunk.
There's some RNG here - you won't always have something stolen whilst blacked out. So you might have to get drunk again the next night to try again!
Complete either the "Frogs" or "Mice" side quests, then you can get and complete the side quest "Battle of the Frogs and Mice" - BUT whilst doing it, go straight to Bailiff Thrush and convince him to intervene instead.
You slit the throat of an enemy who was looking for you.
You slit the throat of an enemy who was looking for you.
This is easiest with guards, at night. Hide (crouch) somewhere near some guards and make a noise by tossing a stone or similar.
You'll know when the guards are then looking for you because there'll be a small white hare icon at the top of the screen.
When a guard comes close, sneak up behind them and do a stealth kill - the achievement will then pop.
This can be done anytime after main quest 12 ("Storm"), when you get Radzig Kobyla's longsword. You'll then need 3 Toledo Steel to upgrade it at a blacksmith's.
You killed an enemy with a crossbow shot to the head at long range.
You killed an enemy with a crossbow shot to the head at long range.
You made the penitential pilgrimage.
You made the penitential pilgrimage.
You helped Rosa finish her book.
You helped Rosa finish her book.
For this you must complete the side quest "Rosa's Book" during the 18th main quest ("Taking French Leave") - there will be no opportunity after this.
During the 19th main quest an optional objective will appear to protect your brother, Christopher Oderin. Make sure he doesn't die! The achievement will then unlock at the end of the quest.
You've defeated an enemy with every type of weapon.
You've defeated an enemy with every type of weapon.
There are 20 weapon types - and although the achievement says 'enemy' regular civilian NPCs do count as well. Enjoy your rampage!
This is doable mid-late game in Kuttenberg. You'll need a belt that can hold 4 weapons, and then four actual weapons; you can buy a belt from the saddler, and guns from Prokop Eldris in the South-West of Kuttenberg. Don't forget the ammunition!
The achievement will pop once you've equipped all four.
For this you just have to shoot a rabbit with a gun. You'll get a gun automatically in the 11th main quest ("The Finger of God"). Rabbits can be found in the daytime at deer hunting areas.
Save beforehand because aiming can be a challenge. Practise on larger animals as well.
Note that getting this invalidates Lent, so if you're aiming for that then reload your save after unlocking this trophy so your kills stay at zero - or just wait for this until after you've completed the story and already unlocked
For this you must have a gun (you'll get given one automatically in main quest #11), and then you need to kill an enemy that also has a gun. There'll be enough opportunities for this as you play through from #11 onwards, just keep an eye out and make sure to use your gun to kill the first enemy you see that has one.
This is in the side quest "Lost Honour" in the Kuttenberg region.
Do not eat any meat nor kill any animals. Highly missable as one wrong move and (if you don't spot it and reload a save) then the playthrough invalidates this achievement.
Note that any soup is fine - even if it's red and meaty looking.
Wolves may attack you, but so long as you're unarmed and just knock them unconscious then this is fine.
Keep an eye on validity in your player stats (Stats -> General -> Meat Eaten / Combat / Animals) - all must remain at zero.
For this you must complete 95% of all quests. When side quests appear, give them attention immediately in case they auto-fail or disappear. Don't fail any quests - reload a save if you do.
Also don't kill anyone who's not hostile - in case they could later be involved in a quest.
You won the miners' archery competition without missing the target!
You won the miners' archery competition without missing the target!