Madden NFL 18
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



this a great game to play for both new Madden players and old Madden players. there is something that everyone will like from MUT to Dynasty mode.


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Guide contributors
Guide in progress
100% complete
14 Story, 11 Grind, 15 Objective,
6 Unmissable, 8 Missable, 25 Optional, 1 Soft-missable,
29 Single-player, 9 Anywhere, 2 Unknown,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
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Collectible checklists
40 achievements

Successfully use the swat mechanic to force an incomplete pass.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
press y when prompted to deflect the pass.

Successfully fake-out a defender when prompted to perform a ball carrier special move.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
this will be easy just click the right button when prompted in rookie or pro difficulty.

Win 3 presses in a single game with the same CB.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
press the right button when prompted on defense

Win a MUT Solo Challenge.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
complete a solo challenge in the MUT mode.

Create a MUT Team.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
create a MUT team.

Complete the First Act in Longshot.

Story Ummissable Unknown No glitches
complete act 1 of longshot.

Beat Josh Butterly in the Longshot Throwing Game.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
win in the QB throwing game at the beginning of longshot. (must win to move on)

Become the star of the Longshot TV show.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
start your longshot story.

Complete the Second Act in Longshot.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
complete act 2 of longshot.

Record a sack, a forced fumble, and a fumble recovery with the same player on a single play.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
sack the quarterback and hope he fumbles the ball. if he does pick it up with the guy you go the sack with.

Lead your team to a win in the Longshot 7 on 7 Game.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
win the 7 on 7 game when you get that far into the campaign.

Redeem yourself in the Longshot Finale.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
do good in the longshot finale so you can get this achievement.

Complete the Third Act in Longshot.

Story Ummissable Single-player No glitches
complete act 3 of longshot.

Activate two Chemistries at the same time.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
have 2 sets of 5 guys with the same team chemistry on your roster at the same time.

Win a MUT auction.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
win a auction in the MUT mode.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 50.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 620.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Earn gold from a drill inside the Skill Trainer.

Objective Optional Single-player No glitches
get a gold medal on and drill inside skills trainer.

Hit every QTE gameplay sequence during the high school flashback.

Story Soft-missable Single-player No glitches
complete the QTE high school flashback moments successfully.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 1,050.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Make a Coaching Adjustment in the 4th quarter or OT.

Objective Optional Unknown No glitches
make an adjustment to your teams play style in the 4th quarter.

Raise Devin's grade in the scouting report to 7.0.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
have almost a perfect run when you are being scouted by the NFL.

Finish with a higher score than Dan Marino in the Military Throwing Game.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
beat Dan Marino in the Military Throwing Game.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 2,150.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Finish Longshot with a high football IQ.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
show that you know the game of football by getting every question right when you are asked by your coach.

Successfully complete every playcall moment in Longshot.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
you might have to come back and complete this after completing the campaign. just pay attention to what he is saying.

Finish Longshot with great on field performances.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
have great performances on the field during the longshot finally.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 4,050.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Complete every Steer the Ball mechanic.

Story Missable Single-player No glitches
complete all the steer the ball mechanics during your longshot story.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 6,500.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Execute a successful reach tackle while being blocked.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
complete a reach tackle when blocked you can get this as a corner or a lineman.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 7,750.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 8,750.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Comeback and win when trailing by 17+ points at halftime.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
comeback and when when you are down by 17 or more points at the end of the 1st half

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 10,000.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!

Make game-winning FG under 10 sec. after missing 2 or more previous kick attempts.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
miss 2 field goals throughout the game and make the game winning field goal with less than 10 seconds left in the game.

Throw a Passing TD using the Target Passing Mechanic.

Objective Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
learn and use the target passing mechanic to score a touchdown.

Win a game with each of the 32 NFL teams - wins count across all game modes.

Grind Optional Single or multi-player No glitches
win 1 game with every NFL team

Successfully complete the Target Passing Mechanic Tutorial and Skills Trainer drill.

Objective Ummissable Single-player No glitches
complete the Target Passing tutorial and drill in skills trainer mode.

Using a created player, coach, or owner - surpass a legacy score of 27,000.

Grind Optional Single-player No glitches
win every game including the super bowl to quickly gain legacy points. good luck on the 27k!