Four Kings: Video Poker
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



A fairly straightforward set of achievements here that should be pretty easy to 100% - just the longest grind to 500 matches for Few HundredFew Hundred although this can be cheesed if you're so inclined.


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Guide contributors
Complete guide
3 Grind, 7 Objective,
10 Optional,
No known glitches
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10 achievements

Win your first hand

Objective Optional No glitches

All you have to do is win your first hand with a pair of jacks or better.

Lose five hands in a row

Objective Optional No glitches

For this all you have to do is lock in your starter hand if you don't have a winning hand and if you do have a winning hand then lock in all the cards that aren't jacks or better. Do this 5 times in a row and its yours. :)

Get a Full House

Objective Optional No glitches

For this you will need to get 3 of any card and then a pair of any card in the same hand.

Keep your initial draw and win the hand

Objective Optional No glitches

Keep your initial 5 cards and win with a Pair or better.

Get a Three of a Kind with Aces

Objective Optional No glitches

You need to get three Aces in one hand. Just select the Aces until you get this.

Win 100 Hands of Video Poker

Grind Optional No glitches

For this, I recommend holding down the right trigger and then taking out the batteries for your controller. This will make the game auto play and will help grind wins and hands played.

Run out of your first set of chips

Objective Optional No glitches

Set the bet to 1000 (max) and then use up all of your money. When you run out you will see a pop-up saying the game will give you more money.

Get a Four of a Kind or better

Objective Optional No glitches

For this you will need to get 4 of any card and win the hand

Win 200 Hands of Video Poker

Grind Optional No glitches

For this, I recommend holding down the right trigger and then taking out the batteries for your controller. This will make the game auto play and will help grind wins and hands played.

Play 500 Hands of Video Poker

Grind Optional No glitches

For this, I recommend holding down the right trigger and then taking out the batteries for your controller. This will make the game auto play and will help grind wins and hands played.