Road 96
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



Quite a few missables - but the game as a whole is fairly short so doing multiple playthroughs isn't too painful.


Has Singleplayer?
Has Multiplayer?
Difficulty affects achievements?
Guide contributors
Guide in progress
32% complete
1 Story, 10 Objective, 1 All-the-things,
1 Unmissable, 7 Missable, 4 Optional,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
12 achievements

Objective Optional No glitches

There may be multiple opportunities to speak with Zoe, do so as soon as you come across her.

Objective Missable No glitches

Right near the beginning there will be a woman with a cat. After talking to her there's an option to pet the cat - choose to do this, as it'll be the only opportunity to do so.

Story Ummissable No glitches
This will unlock automatically as you progress through the story.

Call Home

Objective Missable No glitches

Objective Optional No glitches

Objective Missable No glitches

Objective Optional No glitches

Objective Optional No glitches

Collect all tapes

Do-all-the-things Missable No glitches

Objective Missable No glitches

Objective Missable No glitches

Call & Donate to the Florres or Tyrak Campaign Funding

Objective Missable No glitches