Life is Strange™
interactive achievement guide, roadmap & tracker



A great story-driven adventure, relaxing to play. Straightforward enough achievements; some unmissable just for completing each episode and the rest are soft-missable optional collectible-style achievements for taking photos at various points through the game. If you miss any, after completing each episode you can replay in "Collectible Mode" to pick them up - the game deliberately helps you out with this; so they are all Soft-Missable.


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Guide contributors
Guide in progress
30% complete
5 Story, 5 Grind, 50 Objective,
5 Unmissable, 55 Soft-missable,
No known glitches
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Interactive guides
Completion by missables/DLC
Collectible checklists
60 achievements

Take optional photo #1 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches
Right at the beginning, after the lecture finishes, walk forward to the desk in the middle of the room and do a photo of the scratches on the desk.

Finish Episode 1: Chrysalis

Story Ummissable No glitches

Finished Episode 1: Chrysalis

Take optional photo #5 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Inside your dorm room, to the left of the door is a mirror. Take a picture of yourself.

Finish Episode 2: Out of Time

Story Ummissable No glitches

Finished Episode 2: Out of Time

Take optional photo #7 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the back area of the junkyard there is a doe, take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #1 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

When you are in Kate's room to return her book, take a picture of the rabbit in the cage on the table.

Finish Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Story Ummissable No glitches

Finished Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Finish Episode 4: Dark Room

Story Ummissable No glitches

Finished Episode 4: Dark Room

Take optional photo #10 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Once you enter the photography classroom, take a picture of Alyssa by the window.

Finish Episode 5: Polarized

Story Ummissable No glitches

Finished Episode 5: Polarized

Take optional photo #8 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Inside the barn, you will need to climb into the loft. Toward the back of the platform you will find a owl. Take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #3 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches
After photo #2, turn around to see the skateboarders. talk, rewind time so you can convince him you're not a poser, then pick 'tre flip' - he will then fall off and that's the photo op.

Take optional photo #3 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the biology classroom near the windows is a small fish tank. Inspect it, then turn on the light to take the picture.

Take optional photo #5 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After entering the diner, head left and into the bathroom and take a picture of the graffiti written on the mirror.

Take optional photo #10 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Before speaking to Chloe, take a picture of her.

Take optional photo #4 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Also inside the biology room, take a picture of the skeleton.

Take optional photo #3 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Ask Mr. Jefferson for a last request - Then choose "One last picture".

Take optional photo #10 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Pick up the camera next to Chloe and take a picture of her.

Take optional photo #8 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After collecting and destroying all the bottles, Chloe will be laying on a car hood holding the gun. Take a picture of her.

Take optional photo #6 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Go to the bathroom and take a picture of yourself.

Take optional photo #1 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Take a picture of Chloe at her desk.

Take optional photo #6 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Inside Victoria's room there are photo's on her wall next to the door, choose to mess them up and take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #9 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the science lab, speak with Warren (he will mess up his experiment), then rewind and speak with the teacher to get the correct answer. Return to Warren and tell him Chlorine, then snap a photo when he succeeds.

Take optional photo #2 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the garage, to the right of the lockers, move the plank and take a picture of the bird nest.

Take optional photo #2 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Interact with the trash can near a bench to take out some food. This is placed on a bench for a squirrel to approach, walk up to it and take a picture.

Take optional photo #4 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Go around the right side of the diner into the alley behind it and take a photo of the dog through the fence.

Take optional photo #7 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

When you exit the dorm, warn Alyssa that Zack is gonna throw a football at her. If you warned her, the football will hit the window behind her instead. Take a picture of the crack.

Take optional photo #6 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the junkyard, take a picture of the school bus.

Take optional photo #6 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

At the beach, take a picture of the third dead whale.

Take optional photo #8 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the parking lot there is a RV in the corner where you can draw something on. Take a picture of the drawing.

Take optional photo #2 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches
Once you exit the school building, go to the other side of the big statue in front of you, look back at it (facing toward the school) and that's photo op #2.

Take optional photo #4 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Outside the dorms at the far side of the area there is a squirrel, take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #9 in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

When you get to the lighthouse, turn around and go down the path. There is a blue bird on a rock. Take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #4 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Speak with Samuel about animals, then use the food next to him to lure out a squirrel. Take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #9 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Go to the right side of the diner and take a picture of the bird on the ground with a swarm of ants around it.

Take optional photo #7 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

To the left of the barn, you'll have to quickly snap this photo of the bird on the fence before it flies away. Rewind if you miss it.

Take optional photo #7 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Head to the off-shoot to the right (the bathroom area) and take a picture of the giant squirrels outside the window.

Take optional photo #3 in Episode 2: Out of Time

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

When you get to the diner, look up and take a picture of the whale.

Take optional photo #8 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Before you can take a picture of the truck, you need to speak with the owner outside the diner. Once he tells you the exact make and model of the truck, rewind and speak to him again using that as a key phrase. He'll be impressed and allow you to photograph it.

Take optional photo #3 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Look for a pile of rocks and take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #10 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

You need to find five bottles in the junkyard. After finding all five, they will be sitting on a desk near the end. Take a picture of all the bottles lined up.

Take optional photo #2 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Head to the right and downstairs into a small alcove. Pick up the camera there and take a picture of the girl on the bench.

Take optional photo #5 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Take a picture of Chloe in the principal's office.

Take optional photo #9 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Inside the bathroom, take a picture of Justin lined up with the skeleton graffiti on the half-wall.

Take optional photo #2 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After exiting the dorms, turn right and walk toward the squirrel on the bench. It will run away, rewind and you'll be able to take a picture.

Take optional photo #5 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Walk toward the building next to the diner with the car on the roof. You have to get the right angle to be able to take a picture.

Take optional photo #1 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Comfort Kate, then take a picture of her.

Take optional photo #7 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After helping Chloe's mom make breakfast, but before sitting down to eat it, open the window right next to the table, then find a bird sitting on top of a cabinet next to the door to the garage. Scare it once so it moves to the fireplace, then again so it flies out the window. Exit through the sliding door to the backyard and snap a photo of it on the fence.

Take optional photo #5 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

Inside the boy's dorm, look out the window in the hallway to the right and take a photo of the footsteps outside.

Take all optional photos in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Grind Soft-missable No glitches

Take all optional photos in Episode 1: Chrysalis

Take optional photo #4 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After you stop the diner from exploding, turn around and take a picture of the whale on the road behind you.

Take optional photo #6 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After arriving in the classroom yet again, inspect the etchings on the desk in front of you (might have to do it a few times), and then take a picture of it.

Take all optional photos in Episode 2: Out of Time

Grind Soft-missable No glitches

Take all optional photos in Episode 2: Out of Time.

Take optional photo #1 in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

After speaking with Taylor in the bathroom and confirming that Victoria has left, go into Victoria's room and let your camera light charge up the glow-in-the-dark figure on her shelf. After a few seconds you'll be able to take a picture of it.

Take optional photo #10 in Episode 4: Dark Room

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

At the party, look up towards the roof where you will see the double moons, take a picture of it.

Take all optional photos in Episode 3: Chaos Theory

Grind Soft-missable No glitches

Take all optional photos in Episode 3: Chaos Theory.

Take optional photo #8 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

You'll be in school, but the entire scene is playing out backward around you. Walk down the hallway and turn right to find the skeleton in the corner. Instead of the usual prompt to take a photo, the journal prompt will show up in the bottom corner of the screen as if you have already taken it. Open your journal and the achievement will unlock.

Take optional photo #9 in Episode 5: Polarized

Objective Soft-missable No glitches

In the third section you'll be sneaking past Warren through some lockers. You'll go left around the first set of lockers, then need to turn right at the next set. Samuel will go by, and after two more quick rights, you'll find Warren's locker. Open it and take a photo of what's inside.

Take all optional photos in Episode 4: Dark Room

Grind Soft-missable No glitches

Take all optional photos in Episode 4: Dark Room.

Take all optional photos in Episode 5: Polarized

Grind Soft-missable No glitches

Take all optional photos in Episode 5: Polarized.