An awesome suspenseful undersea adventure!
There are multiple game modes, and achievements can be unlocked fine in any mode except Creative.
Most of the achievements will be unlocked through normal play as you progress through the game - and some are very spoilery (by necessity), so don't read on too far down until you get further into the story.
There are three achievements for discovering the Degasi habitats in various places:
One that you should have in the back of your mind is "Man's Best Friend" to find and hatch a cuddlefish.
And then at the end of the game make sure to leave the time capsule for Leave Only Time Capsules.
Otherwise, just chill, have fun and play through the game - everything else will generally just pop as you play through.
Dive for the very first time
Dive for the very first time
Build a habitat
Build a habitat
It'll be very hard to avoid getting this achievement for building a habitat to live in - as this will be pretty much essential to have to survive as you get further through the game.
First you need to craft the Habitat builder, using the Fabricator - for which you'll need a batter, a computer chip and a wiring kit.
Then use the tool to construct a piece of habitat - which will require some Titanium.
Build a seamoth
Build a seamoth
Build a Seamoth - this will likely be the first transportation you craft. The fragments you'll need to scan for this are around wrecks in the Grassy Plateaus area.
Find the Enforcement Platform
Find the Enforcement Platform
Find the Degasi habitat on the floating island
Find the Degasi habitat on the floating island
Find the habitat on the floating island, which is in the misty cloud behind the Aurora. There will be a waypoint to it (the "Aurora Rendezvous Point") as you progress through the story.
To unlock the achievement, as with the other Degasi habitat achievements, you need to pick up a specific PDA - in this case its the "Storm!" PDA inside the base in the lowest area.
Repair the Aurora reactor
Repair the Aurora reactor
Build a cyclops
Build a cyclops
Find the Degasi habitat in the jellyshroom caves
Find the Degasi habitat in the jellyshroom caves
The jellyshroom caves are quite near where you start the game, down from the Safe Shallows. There's a base about 300m deep. Inside the base, find and use the PDAs within to unlock the achievement - the PDA you'll need is in the top part of the central area of the base.
Build a prawn suit
Build a prawn suit
Find the Degasi habitat in the deep grand reef
Find the Degasi habitat in the deep grand reef
This is around 900m deep.
Whilst you're down there, pick up a cuddlefish egg for "Man's Best Friend"
Find the Disease Research Facility
Find the Disease Research Facility
Find the Primary Containment Facility
Find the Primary Containment Facility
Find the Thermal Plant
Find the Thermal Plant
Cure the infection
Cure the infection
Hatch and release a Cuddlefish
Hatch and release a Cuddlefish
An egg can be found in the Deep Grand Reef on the floor inside the Degasi base, pick one up whilst you're down there for Seamonsters. There are only 5 eggs in total though, and it may be possible to lose one - so technically this is missable although it'd be hard to miss it.
To hatch it, you need to build an Alien Containment unit in your base, with a hatch so you can get in and out of it. Once built, place the egg inside and it'll take about 20 minutes to hatch. After it's hatched, pick up the cuddlefish then go outside and drop it to release the fish.
NB you'll need 5 glass, 4 titanium and 1 quartz to build the alien containment and the hatch.
Launch the neptune rocket
Launch the neptune rocket
Create and deploy a time capsule
Create and deploy a time capsule
To unlock this you must leave a time capsule behind before you leave on the rocket to end the game. The game will ask you if you want to do this - be sure to do so.